
Partner With Us

Welcome to Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute, Inc. We are delighted that you are considering partnering with us in our mission to empower individuals through education and leadership training. As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, all contributions to our institution are tax deductible, offering the dual benefit of supporting a noble cause and receiving tax incentives.

Your donations are crucial in helping us fulfill our goals and mandates. With your support, we can continue to transform lives, develop future leaders, and foster positive change within our communities. Each contribution, no matter the size, plays a significant role in furthering our mission.

To ensure that your donations are utilized effectively, all funds are applied and managed under the directive of our dedicated Board of Directors. This oversight guarantees that resources are used efficiently and transparently, directly contributing to the accomplishment of our objectives.

We are incredibly grateful for your generosity and partnership. Your support is not just a financial contribution; it is an investment in the future and a testament to the power of collective effort. Together, we can make a lasting impact, guided by faith and driven by purpose.

How to Donate

Thank you in advance for your support and for believing in the transformative power of education and leadership development.

Warm regards,

Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute, Inc.