Bachelor In Pastoral Care and Christian Counseling

This bachelor’s degree program in Pastoral Care and Christian Counseling is designed to equip students with a solid foundation in theology, counseling skills, and pastoral ministry practices from a biblical apostolic perspective. Through a comprehensive curriculum that integrates psychological principles with Christian values, students will develop the knowledge, skills, and ethical framework necessary to provide compassionate care, guidance, and counseling to individuals, families, and communities within the context of Christian faith. This program prepares graduates for a vocation in pastoral care, counseling, and ministry, empowering them to serve effectively in various pastoral roles with integrity and professionalism. Total Credits: 120

(First Year 30 credit hours)

AIPC 040 Introduction to Psychology as it relates to the Bible and the Christian Faith

This course aims to explore the field of psychology in relation to the teachings of the Bible and the Christian faith. By examining psychological theories, concepts, and practices through a biblical Apostolic lens, students will gain insight into how psychology intersects with and complements Christian beliefs and practices. Textbook: “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” by Mark R. McMinn, Clark D. Campbell. Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers, Year: 2011. (3 credit hours)

BIB 177 Introduction to the Bible

This is a foundational course that provides students with an overview of the structure, content, themes, and historical context of the Bible. Through this course, students will gain a deeper understanding of the sacred texts that form the basis of Christian faith and practice, preparing them for further study and ministry in pastoral care and Christian counseling. Textbook: “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth” by Gordon D. Fee, Douglas Stuart. Publisher: Zondervan, Year: 2003. (3 credit hours)

BIPM 125 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the foundational principles and practices of pastoral ministry in the context of Christian counseling. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the role of a pastor in providing spiritual guidance, emotional support, and counseling to individuals and communities. Through biblical teachings and practical applications, students will develop the necessary skills to effectively minister to those in need. Textbook: “The Pastor: A Guide for God’s Faithful Servant” by Eugene H. Peterson. Publisher: HarperOne, Year: 2011. (3 credit hours)

AFL 120 Foundations of Christian Leadership

Foundations of Christian Leadership is a comprehensive course designed to equip students with the essential skills, knowledge, and principles necessary for effective leadership within a Christian context. This course will explore key biblical, theological, and practical foundations of Christian leadership, with a focus on developing servant leadership qualities rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Textbook: “Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer” by J. Oswald Sanders. Publisher: Moody Publishers, ISBN: 978-0802416795 (3 credit hours)

ASF 105 Spiritual Formation

This course explores the principles, practices, and disciplines of spiritual formation from an apostolic perspective within the context of Christian leadership. Students will delve into the process of spiritual growth, the cultivation of spiritual disciplines, and the development of a deeper relationship with God. Textbook: “The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives” by Dallas Willard. Publisher: HarperOne. ISBN: 978-0060693336. (3 credit hours)

BCS 176 Counseling Skills for Pastoral Care

This course is designed to equip students with the essential counseling skills needed to provide effective pastoral care from a biblical Apostolic perspective. Students will learn practical techniques and strategies for offering emotional support, guidance, and counseling to individuals facing various challenges. Textbook: “The Christian Counselor’s Manual: The Practice of Nouthetic Counseling” by Jay E. Adams. Publisher: Zondervan, Year: 1986. (3 credit hours)

ACIG 190 Crisis Intervention and Grief Counseling

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective crisis intervention and grief counseling from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore theories of crisis intervention, grief counseling strategies, and practical techniques for providing compassionate care to individuals experiencing crisis and loss. Textbook: “Crisis Counseling: A Guide for Pastors and Professionals” by Scott Floyd. Publisher: Kregel Publications Year: 2014. (3 credit hours)

AAC 180 Addiction Counseling from a Christian Perspective

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of addiction counseling from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the nature of addiction, the impact of substance abuse on individuals and families, and effective counseling strategies grounded in Christian principles. The course will equip students to offer compassionate and effective support to individuals struggling with addiction. Textbook: “The Heart of Addiction: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors” by Lance Dodes. Publisher: HarperOne. Year: 2002 (3 credit hours)

BTCC 150 Trauma and Crisis Counseling

This course focuses on equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective and compassionate pastoral care to individuals experiencing trauma and crisis situations. Rooted in biblical Apostolic principles, this course will explore the impact of trauma, crisis intervention techniques, and the role of the pastoral caregiver in providing support and guidance during times of distress. Textbook: “Crisis Counseling: A Guide for Pastors and Professionals” by Scott Floyd. Publisher: Kregel Publications, Year: 2002. (3 credit hours)

BCR 139 Conflict Resolution

This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of conflict from a biblical perspective and equip them with practical skills to resolve conflicts effectively. Students will explore the nature and causes of conflict, learn conflict resolution techniques, and understand how to mediate and reconcile differences within a pastoral context. This course integrates biblical teachings with practical strategies to prepare students for effective pastoral counseling and conflict resolution. Textbook: “The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict,” by Ken Sande. (3 credit hours)

Second year (30 credit hours)

BGV 101 Discerning the Voice of God: Principles and Practices

This course explores the biblical principles and practices that enable believers to hear, discern, and distinguish the voice of God amidst the noise of life. Students will delve into the importance of prayer, reading, studying, and meditating on the word of God as essential components for recognizing and understanding the voice of God. Additionally, the course will cover various ways in which God communicates with His people. Primary Textbook: “Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God” by Dallas Willard. Secondary textbook: “Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God” by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King (3 credit hours)

ACS 113 Counseling Skills for Pastoral Care

This course aims to equip students with the foundational principles and practical skills necessary for providing compassionate and effective pastoral counseling within a Christian context. Drawing from biblical teachings and the apostolic tradition, this course will explore essential counseling techniques, ethical considerations, and strategies for supporting individuals and communities in times of need. Textbook: “The Christian Counselor’s Manual” by Jay E. Adams. (3 credit hours)

AHP 201 Homiletics and Preaching

This course aims to equip students with the theological understanding, practical skills, and spiritual sensitivity required to deliver effective and impactful sermons. Through the study of biblical principles, rhetorical techniques, and practical exercises, students will learn to communicate the Word of God with clarity, conviction, and compassion. Primary Textbook: “Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages” by Haddon W. Robinson. Supplementary Textbooks: “Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism” by Timothy Keller. “The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching” edited by Haddon W. Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. (3 credit hours)

ACH 210 Church History 1

This course provides an in-depth study of the history of the Christian Church from its inception to the present day. Students will explore key events, figures, theological developments, and movements that have shaped the Church’s identity and mission, with a focus on understanding the apostolic roots of the Church. Textbook: “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. Publisher: Thomas Nelson. ISBN: 978-1401676315. (3 credit hours)

ACE 202 Christian Ethics

Christian Ethics is a foundational aspect of Christian leadership, guiding moral behavior and decision-making based on biblical principles. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of ethical theories, principles, and practices from a Christian perspective. Students will explore how to apply these principles in personal life, ministry, and broader societal issues, fostering integrity and ethical leadership. Primary Textbook: “Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options” by Norman L. Geisler. Supplementary Texts: “Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context” by David P. Gushee and Glen H. Stassen. “The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation: A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics” by Richard B. Hays. (3 credit hours).

AMFC 256 Marriage and Family Counseling

This course provides a biblical perspective on marriage and family counseling, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective pastoral care in the context of marriage and family relationships. Students will explore foundational principles, theories, and practical techniques for counseling couples and families in various situations. Textbook: by “The Complete Guide to Crisis & Trauma Counseling: What to Do and Say When It Matters Most” by Dr. H. Norman Wright. Publisher: Bethany House Publishers. Year: 2011 (3 credit hours)

BTP 266 Theological Perspectives on Suffering and Healing

This course explores the biblical and theological understanding of suffering, healing, and the role of the pastoral caregiver in providing spiritual support and guidance to individuals grappling with pain and affliction. Rooted in Biblical teachings, this course explores how faith shapes our responses to suffering and the healing process. Textbook: “Where Is God When It Hurts?” By Philip Yancey. Publisher: Zondervan, Year: 1990. (3 credit hours)

BSD 200 Spiritual Discernment and Prayer

This is a course designed to explore the importance of spiritual discernment and prayer in the context of pastoral care and Christian counseling from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will delve into the principles of discerning God’s will, understanding spiritual gifts, and developing a deeper prayer life to guide their ministry of care and counseling. Recommended Textbook: “The Discernment of Spirits: An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living” by Timothy M. Gallagher. Publisher: Crossroad Publishing, Year: 2005 (3 credit hours).

BCE 210 Pastoral Care for the Elderly

The course focuses on the unique needs, challenges, and opportunities in providing spiritual and emotional care for the elderly within a biblical Apostolic framework. Students will learn essential principles and practices for ministering effectively to this special demographic group. Textbook: “Ministry with the Aging: Models, Challenges, and Concerns” by Richard H. Gentzler Jr. (3 credit hours)

BCEO 220 Community Engagement and Outreach

The course explores the biblical principles and practical strategies for engaging with communities and reaching out to individuals in need. Students will learn how to effectively minister to diverse populations and address social, emotional, and spiritual challenges through community-based initiatives. Textbook: “Beyond Charity: The Call to Christian Community Development” by John Perkins. (3 credit hours)

(Third Year 30 credit hours)

ACT 343 Christian Theology

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the core doctrines and principles of the Christian faith from a biblical apostolic perspective. The course will cover key theological topics such as the nature of God, Christology, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the Church, and eschatology. By examining these essential doctrines, students will gain a deeper appreciation of the faith and be better equipped to counsel others in their spiritual journeys. This course is foundational for anyone preparing for pastoral counseling, as it provides the theological framework necessary for effective ministry. Textbook: “Christian Theology” by Millard J. Erickson; “Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine” by Wayne Grudem. (2 credit hours)

BCCC 390 Cross-Cultural Counseling

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective pastoral care and Christian counseling in diverse cultural contexts. Rooted in biblical apostolic principles, this course explores the challenges and opportunities of ministering to individuals from different cultural backgrounds, emphasizing cultural sensitivity, understanding, and competence in counseling practices. Recommended Textbook: “Counseling Across Cultures” by Paul B. Pedersen. Publisher: SAGE Publications, Year: 2016 (3 credit hours)

BBC 489 Biblical Counseling

This course offers a comprehensive study of biblical counseling principles and practices from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the integration of psychology and theology, examine key biblical passages relevant to counseling, develop practical counseling skills, and learn how to apply biblical principles in addressing various issues faced by individuals in counseling settings. Textbook: “Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide” by Gary R. Collins. (3 credit hours)

BCC 440 Christian Counseling

This course integrates principles of counseling theory and practice with a biblical perspective on human nature, relationships, and healing. Students will explore the application of Christian principles in counseling settings, focusing on the integration of faith, psychology, and theology to provide holistic care to individuals, families, and communities. Textbook: “Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide” by Gary R. Collins (3 credit hours)

BGC 400 Group Counseling

This is a course designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to facilitate effective group counseling sessions within the context of pastoral care and Christian counseling. Rooted in biblical Apostolic principles, this course explores the dynamics of group counseling, the role of the facilitator, and the benefits of group therapy in promoting healing and growth within a community setting. Textbook: “Groups: A Counseling Specialty” by Samuel T. Gladding. Publisher: Pearson, Year: 2019. (3 credit hours)

BEP 410 Ethics in Pastoral Care

The course aims to equip students with a deep understanding of ethical principles and practices in the context of providing pastoral care and Christian counseling. Grounded in biblical teachings and Apostolic tradition, this course will explore the ethical challenges faced by pastoral caregivers and provide guidance on how to navigate them in a manner that upholds the integrity of the pastoral role. Textbook: “Ethics and Spiritual Care: A Guide for Pastors, Chaplains, and Spiritual Directors by Karen Lebacaz and Joseph D, Driskill. (3 credit hours)

BMDA 420 Ministry in the Digital Age

“Ministry in the Digital Age” explores the intersection of technology and pastoral care in the context of contemporary Christian ministry. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively leverage digital tools and platforms to enhance their pastoral care and counseling practices while upholding biblical and Apostolic principles. Textbook: “The Digital Church: How to Use the New Tools of Technological and Communication Revolution for Your Church” by Mark Brooks. (3 credit hours)

BYY 420 Pastoral Care for Youth and Young Adults

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to provide effective pastoral care and Christian counseling to the younger generations. Grounded in biblical principles and Apostolic teachings, this course will explore the unique challenges and opportunities in ministering to youth and young adults, helping students develop a compassionate and relevant approach to pastoral care in this demographic. Textbook: “Reaching a Generation for Christ: A Comprehensive Guide to Youth Ministry by Richard R. Duar andd Mark H Senter III. (3 credit hours)

BAL 430 The Art of Active Listening in Pastoral Care

This course explores the essential skill of active listening in the context of pastoral care and Christian counseling. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and practical techniques needed to engage in active listening effectively, fostering meaningful connections, empathy, and understanding in pastoral relationships. Textbook: “The Lost Art of Listening” by Michael P. Nichols and Martha B. Straus. (3 credit hours)

BPT 440 Integrating Psychology and Theology

This course explores the intersection of psychological principles and theological teachings in the context of pastoral care and Christian counseling. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to integrate psychological insights with biblical truths, fostering a holistic approach to supporting individuals in their spiritual and emotional well-being. Textbook: “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling” by Mark R. McMinn. (3 credit hours)

Fourth Year 30 (4 Credit Hours)

BEMT 445 Effective Advertising and Marketing Techniques for Today’s Church

This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively promote church ministries and events using modern advertising and marketing techniques from a biblical Apostolic perspective. Students will learn how to leverage various marketing channels to reach and engage with their communities, attract new members, and communicate the message of the gospel effectively. Textbook: “Church Marketing Manual for the Digital Age (2nd ed)” by Bryan Foster and Bryan William Foster. (3 credit hours) 

BCP 450 Clinical Pastoral Education

This course is designed to provide students with practical training and experience in offering pastoral care and Christian counseling in clinical settings. Grounded in biblical teachings and Apostolic tradition, this course aims to equip students with the skills and insights needed to provide compassionate and effective care to individuals facing various life challenges. Textbook: “How to Get the Most Out of Clinical Pastoral Education: A Cpe Primer by Gorden J. Hilman. (3 credit hours)

BCAA 452 Church Administration: Advanced Course

The course delves into the principles and practices of effective church leadership and administration from a biblical Apostolic perspective. Students will explore advanced topics in church governance, finance, human resources, and strategic planning to equip them for leadership roles within the church. Textbook: “Biblical Church Administration” by Charles Tidwell. (3 credit hours)

BEB 455 Effective Bookkeeping for Today’s Church: Advanced Course

This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to effectively manage the financial aspects of a church or ministry from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will learn the principles of sound financial stewardship, budgeting, accounting, and bookkeeping specific to the context of a church environment. Textbook: “Church Finance: The Complete Guide – Paperback, by Batts Michael E.“. (3 credit hours)

BAC 460 Advanced Topics in Christian Counseling

This course delves deeper into the principles and practices of Christian counseling from a biblical perspective. Students will explore advanced topics and techniques that are essential for effective pastoral care and counseling within a Christian context. Textbook: “Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide” by Gary R. Collins. (3 Credit hours)

BGD 467 Growing Your Giving and Donor Base for Your Local Church and Nonprofit Organization: Advanced Course

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement effective strategies for growing giving and expanding the donor base of local churches and nonprofit organizations from a biblical Apostolic perspective. Students will learn principles of stewardship, fundraising, and donor relations to support the financial sustainability and mission of their organizations. Textbook: “Kingdom Stewardship Principles: Doing it God’s way! by Joseph B Samples III. (3 credit hours)

BSP 470 Senior Seminar in Pastoral Care and Counseling

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive review and integration of the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the bachelor’s degree program. This course will challenge students to apply biblical principles and counseling techniques to real-world pastoral care scenarios. Textbook: “The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach” by Carrie Doehring. (3 credit hours)

BAI 479 Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Today’s Christian Environment

This course explores the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and Christian ministry, focusing on how AI technologies can be leveraged to enhance pastoral care, counseling, and outreach efforts within the context of a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will examine the ethical considerations, opportunities, and challenges of integrating AI into various aspects of Christian ministry. Textbook: “The Church and AI: Seven Guidelines for Ministry on the Digital Frontiers” by David Betts. (3 credit hours)

BPI 480 Pastoral Counseling Internship

The Pastoral Counseling Internship provides students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world pastoral care setting under the supervision of experienced mentors. This hands-on experience is essential for integrating theory with practical ministry and preparing students for effective pastoral counseling practice. Textbook: “Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Christian Perspective” by Siang-Yang Tan. (3 credit hours)

BTM 490 Advanced Course in Developing Television and Media Ministry to Reach the World

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop effective television and media ministries that can reach a global audience with the message of the gospel. Students will explore the principles and best practices of using television and media as tools for evangelism, discipleship, and pastoral care from a biblical Apostolic perspective. Textbook: “Media Ministry 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Starting and Maintaining a church Media Department” by Phil Cooke. (3 credit hours).

This bachelor’s degree program in Pastoral Care and Christian Counseling is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical foundations necessary for effective pastoral ministry and counseling within a Christian context. The curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of theology, counseling principles, pastoral skills, and ethical considerations, preparing students to offer compassionate care and guidance to individuals and communities.