Associate Degree In Pastoral Counseling

The Associate Degree in Pastoral Counseling is a rigorous 60-credit hour program designed to blend biblical principles with practical counseling techniques, preparing you to serve your community with compassion and wisdom. This comprehensive curriculum includes hands-on experience in the Pastoral Care Practicum where theoretical knowledge is applied in real-world settings of Crisis Intervention, equipping the student in supporting individuals in acute emotional or spiritual distress; and Conflict Resolution that teaches how to navigate and resolve conflicts effectively through biblical reconciliation and communication techniques. This program enhances your counseling skills and fosters personal and spiritual growth, preparing you to make a meaningful impact in your community.

Pastoral Care Core Courses (18 credit hours)

AIPC 100 Introduction to Pastoral Care

This course introduces the foundational principles and practices of pastoral care from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the role of pastoral counselors, the importance of empathy and active listening, and the integration of faith and spirituality in providing care and support to individuals facing various life challenges. Textbook: “The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach” by Carrie Doehring

Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press. Year: 2006. (3 credit hours)

BBC 489 Biblical Counseling

This course offers a comprehensive study of biblical counseling principles and practices from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the integration of psychology and theology, examine key biblical passages relevant to counseling, develop practical counseling skills, and learn how to apply biblical principles in addressing various issues faced by individuals in counseling settings. Textbook: “Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide” by Gary R. Collins (3 credit hours)

ASFD 222 Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

This course focuses on the essential aspects of spiritual formation and discipleship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the process of spiritual growth, the role of discipleship in Christian maturity, and practical strategies for fostering spiritual formation in individuals and communities within a pastoral counseling context. Textbook: “The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives” by Dallas Willard. Publisher: HarperOne, Year: 1999. (3 credit hours)

ACE 202 Christian Ethics

This course is a foundational aspect of Christian leadership, guiding moral behavior and decision-making based on biblical principles. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of ethical theories, principles, and practices from a Christian perspective. Students will explore how to apply these principles in personal life, ministry, and broader societal issues, fostering integrity and ethical leadership. Primary Textbook: “Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options” by Norman L. Geisler. Supplementary Texts: “Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context” by David P. Gushee and Glen H. Stassen. “The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation: A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics” by Richard B. Hays. (3 credit hours).

ACI 109 Crisis Intervention

This course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and biblical understanding to effectively intervene in various crises. Students will explore the nature of crises, learn intervention techniques, and understand how to provide spiritual and emotional support. This course integrates biblical principles with practical counseling strategies to prepare students for real-world pastoral care. Textbook: “Crisis Counseling: A Biblical Perspective” by Scott Floyd. (3 credit hours)

ACR 090 Conflict Resolution

This course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of conflict from a biblical perspective and equip them with practical skills to resolve conflicts effectively. Students will explore the nature and causes of conflict, learn conflict resolution techniques, and understand how to mediate and reconcile differences within a pastoral context. This course integrates biblical teachings with practical strategies to prepare students for effective pastoral counseling and conflict resolution. Textbook: “The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict”* by Ken Sande. (3 credit hours)

AAC 180 Addiction Counseling from a Christian Perspective

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of addiction counseling from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the nature of addiction, the impact of substance abuse on individuals and families, and effective counseling strategies grounded in Christian principles. The course will equip students to offer compassionate and effective support to individuals struggling with addiction. Textbook: “The Heart of Addiction: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors” by Lance Dodes. Publisher: HarperOne. Year: 2002 (3 Credit hours)

Practical Ministry Courses (15 credit hours)

AMFC 256 Marriage and Family Counseling

This course provides a biblical perspective on marriage and family counseling, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective pastoral care in the context of marriage and family relationships. Students will explore foundational principles, theories, and practical techniques for counseling couples and families in various situations. Textbook: “The Complete Guide to Crisis & Trauma Counseling: What to Do and Say When It Matters Most” by Dr. H. Norman Wright. Publisher: Bethany House Publishers. Year: 2011 (3 credit hours)

BYM 201 Foundations of Effective Youth Ministry

This course is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively lead and minister to the youth in a Christian context. Drawing from biblical principles and apostolic teachings, this course will provide a comprehensive understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities in youth ministry today. Textbook: “Youth Ministry in the 21st Century: Five Views.” Various Authors-Publisher: Baker Academic, ISBN: 978-0801047859 (3 credit hours)

AMW 301 Ministering to Women in Today’s Church

This course is a course designed for the associate degree in Pastoral Counseling. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively minister to women in the contemporary church setting. Students will explore biblical perspectives on women’s roles, understand the unique challenges women face today, and develop practical strategies for providing spiritual, emotional, and practical support. This course integrates biblical teachings with modern counseling techniques to prepare students for effective ministry to women. Textbook: “Women Leading Women: The Biblical Model for the Church”* by Jaye Martin and Terri Stovall. (3 credit hours)

AIP115 Ministry Internship/Practicum

The Ministry Internship/Practicum course is designed to provide students with hands-on ministry experience, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application. This course aims to develop leadership skills, foster spiritual growth, and prepare students for effective service in various ministry contexts. By engaging in real-world ministry settings, students will gain invaluable insights and develop competencies essential for Christian leadership. Textbooks: “The Ministry Internship Handbook” by Timothy L. Jones and Michael L. Wilder. Additional Reading: Selected articles and resources on practical ministry and leadership. Textbook: “The Ministry Internship Handbook” by Timothy L. Jones and Michael L. Wilder. Additional Reading: Selected articles and resources on practical ministry and leadership. (3 credit hours)

APCP 222 Pastoral Care 

This course is a hands-on, supervised course designed for the associate degree in Pastoral Counseling. This course builds on the foundational skills acquired in Pastoral Care Practicum I, offering students increased responsibility and reflection opportunities in real-world pastoral care settings. Under supervision, students will engage in more complex counseling situations, refine their pastoral skills, and reflect critically on their experiences to foster professional growth and spiritual development. Textbook: “The Art of Pastoring: Ministry Without All the Answers” by David Hansen (3 credit hours)

Bible Courses (12 credit hours)

AIB 100 Introduction to the Bible

This is a foundational course designed for students pursuing an associate degree in Pastoral Counseling. This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the Bible. By exploring the historical, cultural, and theological contexts of the Scriptures, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective pastoral counseling rooted in biblical principles. Primary Textbook: The Holy Bible (New International Version or English Standard Version recommended). Supplementary Textbooks: The Canon of Scripture by F. F. Bruce; How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart; Scripture and the Authority of God: How to Read the Bible Today by N. T. Wright. (3 credit hours) 

AHP 201 Homiletics and Preaching

The art and science of preaching is a vital skill for any aspiring Christian leader. This course aims to equip students with the theological understanding, practical skills, and spiritual sensitivity required to deliver effective and impactful sermons. Through the study of biblical principles, rhetorical techniques, and practical exercises, students will learn to communicate the Word of God with clarity, conviction, and compassion. Primary Textbook: “Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages” by Haddon W. Robinson. Supplementary Textbooks: “Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism” by Timothy Keller. “The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching” edited by Haddon W. Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. (3credit hours)

APL 080 Pastoral Leadership

Pastoral Leadership is a course designed for the associate degree in Pastoral Counseling. This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of effective leadership principles within a church context. Focusing on administration, vision casting, and team building, this course integrates biblical teachings with practical leadership strategies. Students will learn how to lead with integrity, inspire and mobilize their congregations, and manage church operations effectively. Textbook: “Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer”* by J. Oswald Sanders. (3 credit hours)

AVCG 222 Vision Casting and Goal Setting 

This course is designed for the associate degree in Pastoral Counseling. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to establish goals that align with the vision of their local church or ministry. Students will explore biblical principles of vision casting, learn how to create and communicate a compelling vision, and develop practical strategies for setting and achieving goals. This course integrates biblical teachings with practical leadership techniques to prepare students for effective ministry leadership. Textbook: “The Vision-Driven Leader: 10 Questions to Focus Your Efforts, Energize Your Team, and Scale Your Business”* by Michael Hyatt. (3 Credit hours)

Elective Courses (15 credit hours) 

Students can choose from a variety of options based on their interests and career goals.

AWMT 300 Women’s Ministry in Today’s Church (3 Credit Hours)

This course is designed for the associate degree in Pastoral Counseling aiming to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role and impact of women in the church, both historically and in contemporary settings. Students will explore biblical perspectives on women in ministry, examine the challenges and opportunities faced by women in church leadership, and develop practical strategies for supporting and empowering women in various ministry roles. This course integrates biblical teachings with modern practices to prepare students for effective pastoral counseling and leadership development. Textbook: “Women in Ministry: Biblical and Historical Perspectives”* by Nancy Vyhmeister. (3 credit hours)

BUFS 100 Understanding, Developing, and Carrying Out Financial Strategies for the Local Church and Nonprofit Organizations 

This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of financial management within a church or nonprofit context. Students will explore biblical principles of stewardship, learn practical skills for budgeting, forecasting, and managing expenditures, and develop strategies to ensure financial sustainability. This course integrates biblical teachings with modern financial practices to prepare students for effective financial leadership in their ministries. Textbook: “Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations: Policies and Practices”* by John Zietlow, Jo Ann Hankin, and Alan G. Seidner. (3 credit hours)

AEOD 101 Evangelism and Outreach: Making Disciples for the Kingdom of God

This course aims to equip students with the biblical and practical knowledge necessary for effective evangelism and outreach within their communities. The course will explore the theological foundations of evangelism, the biblical mandate for outreach, and practical strategies for making disciples. Students will learn how to communicate the gospel effectively and disciple new believers in their faith journey, all within the framework of a biblical apostolic perspective. Textbook: “Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus” by J. Mack Stiles. “The Master Plan of Evangelism” by Robert E. Coleman. (3 hours)

ABH 110 Biblical Hermeneutics

This course provides a study of the principles and methods of biblical interpretation, focusing on understanding the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of the Bible. Students will learn how to interpret and apply Scripture in a manner consistent with apostolic teachings and traditions, with a focus on developing skills for effective leadership rooted in sound biblical interpretation. Textbook: “Introduction to Biblical Interpretation” by William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard Jr. (3 credit hours)

ACT 343 Christian Theology

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the core doctrines and principles of the Christian faith from a biblical apostolic perspective. The course will cover key theological topics such as the nature of God, Christology, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the Church, and eschatology. By examining these essential doctrines, students will gain a deeper appreciation of the faith and be better equipped to counsel others in their spiritual journeys. This course is foundational for anyone preparing for pastoral counseling, as it provides the theological framework necessary for effective ministry. Textbook: “Christian Theology” by Millard J. Erickson; “Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine” by Wayne Grudem. (3 credit hour) 

ACH 210 Church History 1

This course provides an in-depth study of the history of the Christian church from its inception to the present day. Students will explore key events, figures, theological developments, and movements that have shaped the Church’s identity and mission, with a focus on understanding the apostolic roots of the Church. Textbook: “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. Publisher: Thomas Nelson. ISBN: 978-1401676315. (3 credit hours)

BCP 441 Church Planting

This course that explores the biblical principles, practical strategies, and theological considerations related to establishing new churches. This course equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in effective church-planting ministry from a biblical apostolic perspective. Textbook: “The Art of Planting: A Comprehensive Guide to Church Planting” by Dr. David Johnson. Publisher: Gospel Press. ISBN: 978-0123456789. (3 credit hours)

AMGO 202 Missions and Global Outreach

This course explores the principles, strategies, and challenges of missions and global outreach from an apostolic perspective within the context of Christian leadership. Students will study the biblical foundation of missions, cross-cultural communication, and practical aspects of engaging in mission work. Textbook: “Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions” by John Piper. Publisher: Baker Academic. ISBN: 978-0801036415. (3 credit hours)

Capstone Experience (3 credit hours)

ACPPC 199 Capstone Project in Pastoral Care

The Capstone Project in Pastoral Care is a culminating course designed to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the associate degree in Pastoral Counseling program. This course provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate their competency in providing pastoral care through a comprehensive final project that combines theoretical understanding with practical experience. Textbook: “The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach” by Carrie Doehring. Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press, Year: 2006. (3 credit hours)

This program outline ensures that students receive a well-rounded education in biblical studies, theological foundations, practical ministry skills, and specialized training in pastoral care. Adjustments can be made based on the specific needs and context of Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute.