Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute

Empowering Leadership, Transforming Lives, Advancing God’s Kingdom

Mission Statement

Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute exists to raise up and equip Christian ministers, ministries, and leaders who will faithfully lead God’s people in fulfilling the Great Commission and obeying the mandates established by God. Grounded in biblical truth and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to cultivate a community of dedicated disciples who are prepared to serve Christ with integrity, wisdom, and love.

Vision Statement

Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute envisions a world transformed by the power of the Gospel, where every believer is a fully equipped ambassador of Christ, committed to making disciples of all nations and advancing God’s kingdom on earth. Through rigorous theological training, spiritual formation, and practical ministry experience, we aspire to develop leaders who will inspire, instruct, and impact their communities for the glory of God.

Purpose and Objectives


The purpose of Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute is to cultivate a Christ-centered academic environment that equips individuals with the knowledge, spiritual maturity, and practical skills necessary to lead and serve effectively in various Christian ministries and leadership roles. Through rigorous theological education, personal discipleship, and hands-on ministry experiences, we aim to nurture and develop committed followers of Jesus Christ who are prepared to fulfill the Great Commission and adhere to God’s mandates.


—Cultivate Competent Leaders: Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute aims to provide a comprehensive theological and biblical education that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective ministry and leadership roles. Through practical training, mentorship, and the development of communication, leadership, and pastoral skills, we empower individuals to serve as competent leaders grounded in faith and guided by the teachings of the Scriptures.

—Nurture Spiritual Growth: Our institution is committed to fostering personal spiritual development and nurturing a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ among our students. Through prayer, worship, and the study of the Scriptures, we create an environment that promotes spiritual disciplines and cultivates Christ-like character, allowing individuals to grow in their faith and walk closely with the Lord.

—Uphold Academic Excellence: Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute upholds a commitment to academic excellence by offering a rigorous curriculum that challenges students both intellectually and spiritually. All programs are designed to meet accreditation standards and reflect the latest advancements in theological scholarship and ministry practices, ensuring that our graduates are well-prepared to engage with the complexities of the contemporary world.

—Encourage Mission-Mindedness: We seek to inspire and prepare our students to actively participate in local and global mission efforts and evangelism. By instilling a passion for mission work and providing opportunities for hands-on experience, we empower individuals to make a meaningful impact in spreading the Gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God both near and far.

Our Focus

At Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute, our focus extends beyond traditional areas of ministry and leadership training commonly emphasized by other educational institutions. We purposefully specialize in offering degrees in uncommon areas and specialties such as the prophetic, evangelism, teaching, apostleship, worship, and more. While many biblical colleges predominantly concentrate on pastoral ministry, we are committed to exploring and developing these unique areas of study to equip our students for diverse and vital roles in serving the Body of Christ and fulfilling their unique callings in ministry.

Encourage Local and Global Mission:

—Inspire and prepare students to participate in global missions and evangelism efforts.

 —Cultivate a heart for the nations, encouraging students to engage in cross-cultural ministry and outreach.

Support Practical Ministry Experience:

—-Provide opportunities for hands-on ministry through internships, service projects, and partnerships with local churches and organizations.

—Integrate classroom learning with real-world ministry application.

Build a Community of Disciples:

—Foster a supportive, Christ-centered community that encourages fellowship, accountability, and mutual growth.

—Promote a culture of service, humility, and love within the student body and faculty.

Advocate for Kingdom Impact:

—Encourage students to pursue vocations that advance God’s kingdom in various spheres of influence, including church, education, business, and community service.

—Equip graduates to be transformative leaders who bring biblical values and principles to their respective fields.

Develop Lifelong Learners:

—Instill a passion for continuous learning and personal development.

 —Encourage ongoing theological education and professional development to stay current in ministry practices and leadership skills.

Statement Of Faith