Associate Degree in Christian Leadership

The Associate Degree in Christian Leadership at Impact Christian College and Leadership Institute is designed to equip and empower emerging leaders with a solid biblical foundation, practical ministry skills, and a deep understanding of apostolic principles. This comprehensive 60-credit hour program integrates rigorous academic studies in theology, biblical interpretation, and church history with hands-on leadership training, pastoral care, and ethical decision-making. Through a blend of classroom instruction and real-world ministry experience, students will develop the spiritual maturity, character, and competencies necessary to lead effectively within diverse Christian contexts. Whether preparing for pastoral roles, missionary work, or other forms of Christian service, graduates of this program will be thoroughly prepared to advance the Kingdom of God with integrity, wisdom, and a servant’s heart.

Core Biblical Studies (12 credit hours)

AOT 100 Old Testament Survey

This course offers a comprehensive overview of the Old Testament, exploring its historical, literary, and theological dimensions. Students will gain an understanding of the structure, themes, and key messages of the Old Testament, and how these writings contribute to the foundation of Christian faith and leadership. Textbook: Encountering The Old Testament: A Christian Survey by Bil T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer (3 credit hours)

ANT 101 New Testament Survey 

This course provides a comprehensive study of the New Testament, focusing on the historical, literary, and theological aspects of the texts. Students will explore the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the early Christian church, and the epistolary and apocalyptic writings of the New Testament. Emphasis will be placed on understanding the relevance of these texts for Christian leadership in the contemporary world. Textbook: New Testament Survey by Merrill C. Tenney. (3 credit hours)

ABH 110 Biblical Hermeneutics

This course provides a study of the principles and methods of biblical interpretation, focusing on understanding the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of the Bible. Students will learn how to interpret and apply Scripture in a manner consistent with apostolic teachings and traditions, with a focus on developing skills for effective leadership rooted in sound biblical interpretation. Textbook: “Introduction to Biblical Interpretation” by William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard Jr. (3 credit hours)

ABT 115 Biblical Theology

Biblical Theology is a foundational course that explores the essential teachings and themes of the Bible. This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the overarching narrative of the Bible, key theological concepts, and their practical implications for Christian leadership. By studying the Scriptures in depth, students will be equipped to apply biblical principles to their lives, ministries, and leadership roles. Textbook: “Introducing Biblical Theology” by Michael Lawrence. Publisher: Crossway, ISBN: 978-1433549873. (3 credit hours)

Theology and Doctrine (9 credit hours)

AST 120 Systematic Theology I 

Systematic Theology I is a foundational course that explores the core doctrines of the Christian faith from an Apostolic perspective. This course will delve into the systematic study of God, the Bible, salvation, the church, and other essential theological topics. It will introduce the student to foundational Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, Christology, and soteriology. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs that underpin Christian leadership and ministry, equipping them to articulate and defend their faith effectively. Textbook: “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem. Publisher: Zondervan. ISBN: 978-031028670. (3 credit hours)

AST 220 Systematic Theology II

Systematic Theology II is an advanced course that builds upon the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith explored in Systematic Theology I. This course will delve deeper into theological topics such as soteriology, ecclesiology, eschatology, and more from an apostolic perspective. Students will engage with complex theological concepts to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith and its implications for leadership and ministry. Textbook: “Christian Theology” by Millard J. Erickson. Publisher: Baker Academic. ISBN: 978-0801036439. (3 credit hours)

AADH 101 Apostolic Doctrine and History

Apostolic Doctrine and History is a foundational course that explores the core beliefs and historical development of apostolic Christianity. This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of apostolic doctrine, practices, and the historical context of the apostolic faith. By studying the history and theology of the apostolic tradition, students will be equipped to lead effectively in apostolic ministries and communities. Textbook: “Apostolic History and Doctrine” by Dr. David K. Bernard. Publisher: Word Aflame Press. ISBN: 978-1567222769. (3 credit hours)

Leadership and Ministry (18 credit hours)

AFL 120 Foundations of Christian Leadership

Foundations of Christian Leadership is a comprehensive course designed to equip students with the essential skills, knowledge, and principles necessary for effective leadership within a Christian context. This course will explore key biblical, theological, and practical foundations of Christian leadership, with a focus on developing servant leadership qualities rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Textbook: “Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer” by J. Oswald Sanders. Publisher: Moody Publishers. ISBN: 978-0802416795. (3 credit hours)

ASL 210 Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership is a transformative course that focuses on the principles and practices of leading with humility, compassion, and service. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, this course explores how Christian leaders can effectively serve others, inspire teams, and make a positive impact in their communities. This is an examination of the biblical model of leadership exemplified by Jesus. Students will learn to embody the essence of servant leadership and apply these principles to their roles in Christian ministry and leadership. Textbook: Title: “The Servant as Leader” by Robert K. Greenleaf Publisher: Paulist Press ISBN: 978-0809105540. (3 credit hours)

APCC 200 Pastoral Care and Counseling

This course aims to equip students with the theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and spiritual discernment necessary to offer effective pastoral care and counseling. Students will explore biblical foundations, psychological principles, and various counseling techniques to address diverse pastoral situations. Primary Textbook: “The Wounded Healer: Ministry in Contemporary Society” by Henri J.M. Nouwen. Supplementary Texts: “Pastoral Care and Counseling: Redefining the Paradigms” by Nancy J. Ramsay. “Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: An Integrative Approach” by Elsie Jones-Smith (3 credit hours)

ADM 101 Church Administration and Management

This course aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage church operations, finances, human resources, and programs efficiently. Students will learn biblical principles of stewardship, strategic planning, leadership, and managerial skills tailored to the unique needs of church settings. Primary Textbook: “Church Administration: Creating Efficiency for Effective Ministry” by Robert H. Welch. Supplementary Texts: “The Business of the Church: The Uncomfortable Truth that Faithful Ministry Requires Effective Management” by John W. Wimberly Jr. (3 credit hours)

AHP 201 Homiletics and Preaching

This course aims to equip students with the theological understanding, practical skills, and spiritual sensitivity required to deliver effective and impactful sermons. Through the study of biblical principles, rhetorical techniques, and practical exercises, students will learn to communicate the Word of God with clarity, conviction, and compassion. Primary Textbook: “Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages” by Haddon W. Robinson. Supplementary Texts: “Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism” by Timothy Keller. “The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching” edited by Haddon W. Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. (3 credit hours)

ACE 202 Christian Ethics

This course aims to provide students with an understanding of ethical theories, principles, and practices from a Christian perspective. Students will explore how to apply these principles in personal life, ministry, and broader societal issues, fostering integrity and ethical leadership. Primary Textbook: “Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options” by Norman L. Geisler. Supplementary Texts: “Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context” by David P. Gushee and Glen H. Stassen. “The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation: A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics” by Richard B. Hays. (3 credit hours)

Practical Ministry (9 credit hours)

AED 105 Evangelism and Discipleship

This course explores the fundamental principles and practices of evangelism and discipleship within the context of Christian leadership. Students will learn methods, and strategies for effective evangelism, disciple-making, and nurturing spiritual growth in individuals and communities. Textbook: “Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God” by J.I. Packer. Publisher: InterVarsity Press. ISBN: 978-0830834120 (3 credit hours)

AMGO 202 Missions and Global Outreach

This course explores the principles, strategies, and challenges of missions and global outreach from an apostolic perspective within the context of Christian leadership. Students will study, come understand the biblical foundation of missions, cross-cultural communication, and practical aspects of engaging in missions work. This course will also prepare students to be able to participate in global mission work. Textbook: “Let the Nations Be Glad!: The Supremacy of God in Missions” by John Piper. Publisher: Baker Academic. ISBN: 978-0801036415. (3 credit hours)

AWL 101 Worship Leadership

This course explores the theological foundations, practical skills, and spiritual disciplines essential for effective worship leadership within the context of Christian ministry. Students will study the role of worship in the life of the church, principles and practices of leading congregational worship, and the development of a worship leader’s character and skills. Textbook: “Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God” by Bob Kauflin. Publisher: Crossway. ISBN: 978-1433544206. (3 credit hours)

Personal and Spiritual Development (6 credit hours)

ASF 105 Spiritual Formation

This course explores the principles, and practices for personal spiritual growth, development, and disciplines of spiritual formation from a biblical perspective within the context of Christian leadership. Students will delve into the process of spiritual growth, the cultivation of spiritual disciplines, and the development of a deeper relationship with God. Textbook: “The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives” by Dallas Willard. Publisher: HarperOne. ISBN: 978-0060693336. (3 credit hours)

ACCI 120 Christian Character and Integrity

This course explores the foundational principles, virtues, and practices that shape Christian character, integrity, and an ethical lifestyle, essential for effective leadership within the context of Christian ministry. Students will examine the biblical teachings on character and integrity, virtues such as honesty, humility, and love, and practical strategies for developing and maintaining personal integrity. Textbook: “The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness” by Timothy Keller. Publisher: 10Publishing. ISBN: 978-1906173418. (3 credit hours)

Electives (9 credit hours)

ACH 210 Church History

This course provides an in-depth study and overview of the history of the Christian church from its inception to the present day. Students will explore key events, figures, theological developments, and movements that have shaped the Church’s identity and mission, with a focus on understanding the apostolic roots of the Church. Textbook: “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. Publisher: Thomas Nelson. ISBN: 978-1401676315. (3 credit hours)

AA 130 Apologetics

Apologetics is the discipline of defending Christian doctrines through systematic argumentation and discourse. This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to defend the Christian faith effectively. By studying historical, philosophical, and theological aspects of apologetics, students will gain a deeper understanding of their faith and be better prepared to engage in meaningful conversations with others. Textbooks: “Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics” by William Lane Craig. Additional Reading: Selected articles and excerpts from various apologists and theologians. (3 credit hours)

ACW 101 Christian Writing To Be Read

Christian Writing To Be Read is a course designed to equip students with the skills necessary to write engaging, impactful, and theologically sound Christian literature. This course covers various forms of Christian writing, including devotionals, articles, books, and online content. Students will learn the principles of effective writing, understand their audience, and learn how to communicate biblical truths compellingly and clearly. Textbook: “On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction” by William Zinsser. Additional Reading: Selected articles, devotionals, and excerpts from renowned Christian authors and writers. (3 Credit Hours)

Capstone (3 credit hours)

AIP115 Ministry Internship/Practicum

The Ministry Internship/Practicum course is designed to provide students with hands-on ministry experience, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical application. This course aims to develop leadership skills, foster spiritual growth, and prepare students for effective service in various ministry contexts. By engaging in real-world ministry settings, students will gain invaluable insights and develop competencies essential for Christian leadership. Textbooks: “The Ministry Internship Handbook” by Timothy L. Jones and Michael L. Wilder. Additional Reading: Selected articles and resources on practical ministry and leadership. (3 credit hours)