Associate Degree in Music Ministry and Worship Leadership

The Associate’s Degree in Music Ministry and Worship Leadership is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual depth necessary for effective worship leadership within a biblical apostolic framework. This program integrates theological education with practical music training, preparing students to lead congregations in worship that is both theologically sound and musically excellent.

Program Requirements


– A high school diploma or equivalent

– Basic understanding of music theory and proficiency in at least one musical instrument or vocal performance

Who Should Apply:

– Aspiring worship leaders and musicians seeking to serve in church ministries.

– Current church musicians and worship leaders desiring formal training and theological grounding

– Individuals with a passion for biblical worship and praise who wish to deepen their understanding and skills

Courses required to be completed to be awarded this degree

AIWL 100 Introduction to Worship Leadership

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices essential for effective worship leadership. The course covers foundational aspects such as biblical foundations of worship, the role and responsibilities of a worship leader, and key worship leadership principles. This course is tailored for those who aspire to lead worship in various ministry contexts. Textbook: “The Worship Pastor: A Call to Ministry for Worship Leaders and Teams” by Zac Hicks. ISBN: 978-0310525196. (3 credit hours)

APW 107 Preparation for Worship

This course will delve into the theological, musical, and practical aspects of worship preparation, ensuring that students are well-prepared to create meaningful and spiritually enriching worship experiences. Textbook: “The Art of Worship: A Musician’s Guide to Leading Modern Worship” by Greg Scheer. ISBN: 978-0801067095. (3 credit hours)

ATW 110 Biblical Theology of Worship” – Course Credit

This course is designed to explore the rich tapestry of worship as depicted throughout the Bible. This course delves into the theological principles underpinning worship in the Old and New Testaments, equipping students with a deep understanding of biblical worship and how to apply these principles in contemporary worship settings. Textbook: Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship” by David G. Peterson. ISBN: 978-0830826973. (3 credit hours)

AMT 120 Music Theory and Application

This course is tailored for students pursuing the Associate’s Degree in Music Ministry and Worship Leadership. This course focuses on providing a solid foundation in fundamental music theory concepts, practical application of music theory in worship settings, and the development of musical skills essential for leading worship effectively. Textbook: “Tonal Harmony” by Stefan Kostka, Dorothy Payne, and Byron Almén. ISBN: 978-1259447099. (3 credit hours)

AHW 130 History of Christian Worship Music

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of worship music from the early church to modern times. This course will explore significant composers and movements, examining how cultural and historical contexts have influenced the development of Christian worship music. By the end of the course, students will have a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of musical traditions that have shaped Christian worship. Textbook: “Christian Worship: Its Theology and Practice” by Franklin M. Segler and Randall Bradley. (3 credit hours)

AVT 140 Vocal Techniques for Worship Leaders

This course is designed to provide students with essential vocal skills from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course emphasizes healthy vocal production, practical vocal exercises, and effective techniques for leading congregational singing. Rooted in the biblical understanding of worship and the apostolic tradition, students will learn how to maintain vocal health, practice effective vocal techniques, and guide congregational worship in a way that honors God and inspires the church community. Textbook: “The Art of Worship: A Musician’s Guide to Leading Modern Worship” by Greg Scheer. (3credit hours)

AIT 150 Instrumental Techniques for Worship Teams

This course is designed to equip students with the skills necessary to effectively play and integrate various instruments within a worship team from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course focuses on training in commonly used worship instruments, techniques for creating a cohesive worship band, and practical skills for instrumentalists in worship settings. Emphasizing the biblical foundations of worship, students will learn how to use their musical talents to glorify God and edify the congregation. Textbook: “The Worship Band Book: Training and Empowering Your Worship Band” by Tom Lane**

AWW 150 Song Writing for Worship

This course is designed to equip students with the skills to create songs that enhance worship experiences, rooted in biblical apostolic principles. This course focuses on the principles of songwriting with a particular emphasis on worship, crafting lyrics and melodies that align with biblical truths, and collaborating effectively within a worship team. Students will learn how to write songs that inspire congregations, reflect scriptural foundations, and foster a deeper connection with God through music. Textbook: The Art of Worship: A Musician’s Guide to Leading Modern Worship” by Greg Scheer. (3 credit hours)

ATW 160 Technology in Worship

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the various technologies used in worship settings from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course will cover sound, lighting, and multimedia technologies, emphasizing practical skills to enhance worship experiences while considering ethical implications. Students will learn how to utilize technology to create impactful worship environments that glorify God and support the congregation’s spiritual engagement. Textbook: “The Ultimate Church Sound Operator’s Handbook” by Bill Gibson. (3 credit hours)

ALTD 170 Leadership and Team Dynamics

This course is designed to prepare students for effective leadership roles within worship teams from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course focuses on the principles of effective leadership, building and maintaining healthy team dynamics, and conflict resolution, and team development. Students will learn how to lead with integrity, foster unity and cooperation within their teams, and navigate challenges in a way that honors God and strengthens the ministry. Textbook: “Leading Worship: A Creative, Practical Guide to Leading Others” by Paul Baloche.

ASWL 200 Spiritual Formation for Worship Leaders

This is a course designed for students pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Music Ministry and Worship Leadership. This course aims to foster personal spiritual development, promote practices for sustaining spiritual health, and integrate personal worship with public ministry. Worship leaders play a crucial role in guiding congregations in their spiritual journey, and this course will equip them with the necessary tools to nurture their own spiritual lives, thus enhancing their effectiveness in ministry. Textbook: “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” by Donald S. Whitney. (3 credit hours)

APWL 210 Practical Worship Leading

This course is designed to equip aspiring worship leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively plan and lead worship services. Rooted in biblical principles and apostolic teachings, this course offers hands-on experience, mentorship from experienced worship leaders, and opportunities for personal growth in worship leadership. Textbook: “Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God” by Bob Kauflin. Publisher: Crossway. ISBN: 978-1434764159. (3 credit hours)

APP 220 Progression into the Presence of God

This course is designed to explore Psalm 100 and its significance in leading worship that ushers in the presence of God. This course will delve into the practical applications of Psalm 100 for worship leaders, equipping them with techniques to create worship sets that follow the progression outlined in this powerful psalm. Textbook: “Worship in the Presence of God” by Benjamin Galan. Publisher: Chosen Books. ISBN: 978-0800797247. (3 credit hours)

AHG 230 Holy Ground: The Call of Moses and Reverence in Worship

This course delves into the profound encounter between Moses and God in Exodus 3, exploring the significance of “holy ground” and its application to worship in contemporary settings. Students will learn how to lead worship with a deep sense of reverence, awe, and humility, drawing inspiration from Moses’ encounter with the Almighty. Textbook: “Reverence in the Sanctuary: The Rhetoric of Awe in the Hebrew Bible” by Susan Niditch. Publisher: Fortress Press. ISBN: 978-0800634113.(3 credit hours)

ASSS 240 Spiritual Songs and The Song of the Lord

This course explores the biblical perspective on spiritual songs, the role of spontaneous songs in worship, and the development of the ability to sing the “song of the Lord” in worship settings. This course will delve into the rich tapestry of musical worship in the Bible and equip students with the knowledge and skills to lead worship that glorifies God and edifies the church. Textbook: “Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God” by Bob Kauflin. Publisher: Crossway. ISBN: 978-1581348248. (3 credit hours)

AEPW 250 Entering into Prophetic Worship

This course journeys into the realm of prophetic worship from a biblical perspective. This course aims to deepen students’ understanding of prophetic worship, provide techniques for cultivating a prophetic atmosphere in worship, and train students in sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit during worship experiences. Textbook: “Prophetic Worship: Developing Your Prophetic Gift through Intimate Worship” by Julia Loren. Publisher: Chosen Books. ISBN: 978-0800793652. (3 credit hours)

APS 260 Prophetic Song: Singing the Heart of God

This course is designed to explore the biblical foundation of prophetic songs, equip students with practical exercises for developing prophetic singing skills, and provide guidance on leading congregations in prophetic worship experiences. Textbook: “The Power of Prophetic Worship: Developing Your Prophetic Voice and Singing the Heart of God” by Jeremy Lopez. (3 credit hours)

AAW 270 Advanced Worship Leadership

This course is designed to equip students with advanced principles of worship leadership, strategies for mentoring and developing other worship leaders, and skills for long-term planning and vision casting for worship ministries. Textbook: “Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God.” by Bob Kauflin. (3 credit hours)

AEI 280 Ethics and Integrity in Worship Ministry

This course is designed to explore biblical principles of ethics and integrity, address common ethical dilemmas in worship ministry, and equip students with the tools to maintain personal and professional integrity in their roles as worship leaders. Textbook: “Worship by the Book” by D.A. Carson, Tim Keller, Mark Ashton, and R. Kent Hughes. (3 credit hours)

ACS 290 Cultural Sensitivity in Worship

This course is designed to help students understand and appreciate diverse worship traditions, integrate multicultural elements into worship services, and learn how to lead worship in a way that honors and includes people from different cultural backgrounds. Textbook: “Worship Across the Racial Divide: Religious Music and the Multiracial Congregation” by Gerardo Marti. (3 credit hours)

ACP 300 Capstone Project in Worship Leadership

This course serves as the culmination of your studies in music ministry and worship leadership, providing you with the opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have acquired throughout your program. Through this capstone project, you will engage in practical application in a real-world worship setting and present and defend your project to faculty and peers. Textbook: “Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God” by Bob Kauflin.


The Associate’s Degree in Music Ministry and Worship Leadership provides a comprehensive education combining theological depth and practical musical training. This program is ideal for those called to lead worship within the church, offering the tools and knowledge necessary to create worship experiences that are both spiritually enriching and musically excellent. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from foundational worship leadership principles to advanced prophetic worship, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the diverse demands of worship ministry.


Graduates of the Associate’s Degree in Music Ministry and Worship Leadership will emerge as confident, skilled, and spiritually grounded worship leaders ready to make a significant impact in their local churches and communities. They will possess a comprehensive understanding of worship’s biblical foundations, historical development, and practical execution, ensuring they are well-prepared to navigate the complexities of worship ministry in today’s diverse and dynamic church environments.