Bachelor Degree In Pneumatology

The Bachelor of Arts degree in Pneumatology is designed for students who seek a deep understanding of the Holy Spirit, its role in Christian theology, and its practical implications for Christian life and ministry. Through this program, students will explore various theological perspectives on the Holy Spirit, engage with biblical texts, and develop a holistic understanding of pneumatology within the context of Christian faith.

Total Credits: 120

Duration: 4 years (assuming a standard 30-credit hours per year). Student may complete this degree program online at their own pace.

Foundational Courses (30 credits):

BTHS 101 Theology of the Holy Spirit

This is a foundational course that explores the person, work, and significance of the Holy Spirit in Christian theology from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will delve into key theological concepts related to the Holy Spirit, examine scriptural teachings, and reflect on the practical implications of pneumatology in the life of the believer and the church. Textbooks: “He walks with me” by Michael Mangum and “The Holy Spirit” by Sinclair B. Ferguson(3 credits)

BSHP 110 Biblical Studies on the Holy Spirit

This is a course that delves into an in-depth study of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Scriptures from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore key passages, themes, and teachings related to the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testaments, gaining a deeper understanding of the Spirit’s role in God’s redemptive plan. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit in the New Testament” by George Smeaton. (3 credits)

BHP 120 History of Pneumatology

This is a course that examines the development of pneumatology within the Christian tradition from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the historical perspectives, key figures, theological controversies, and doctrinal formulations related to the study of the Holy Spirit throughout the history of the Church. Textbook: “Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective” by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen.(3 credits)

BCS 130 Introduction to Christian Spirituality

This is a foundational course that explores the spiritual dimension of the Christian faith from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will examine key concepts, practices, and traditions of Christian spirituality, focusing on the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping the spiritual life of believers. Textbook: “Invitation to Christian Spirituality: An Ecumenical Anthology” by John R. Tyson. (3 credits)

BFCD 140 Foundations of Christian Doctrine

In this course, we will delve into the essential doctrines of the Christian faith from a biblical apostolic perspective, with a focus on Pneumatology. We will explore the core beliefs that form the foundation of Christian theology and examine the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping these beliefs. Textbook: “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem (3 credits)

BTH 460 Biblical Hermeneutics: Understanding Scripture Apostolically

This course is designed to equip students with the foundational principles and methods of interpreting and understanding the Holy Scriptures through an apostolic lens. Participants will engage in studying various aspects of biblical hermeneutics in order to effectively prepare for ministry and deepen their understanding of the Word of God. Textbook: An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics by Moisés Silva and Walter C. Kaiser Jr. (3 credits)

AST 120 Systematic Theology I

This is a foundational course that explores the core doctrines of the Christian faith from an Apostolic perspective. This course will delve into the systematic study of God, the Bible, salvation, the church, and other essential theological topics. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs that underpin Christian leadership and ministry, equipping them to articulate and defend their faith effectively. Textbook: “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem
Publisher: Zondervan. ISBN: 978-0310286707 (3 credits)

BPA 360 Ethics and Excellence

This course focuses on the importance of ethical conduct and excellence in Christian ministry from a Biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore foundational ethical principles, examine case studies, and discuss practical strategies for upholding integrity, accountability, and excellence in ministry. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate ethical challenges and strive for excellence in all aspects of ministry. Textbook: A God To Glorify by Michael Mangum. (3 credits)

BADF 210 Apologetics: Defending the Faith Biblically

In this course we will delve into the art of defending the Christian faith with wisdom, humility, and biblical truth. In a world filled with questions, doubts, and opposing worldviews, it is essential for believers to be equipped to give a reason for the hope that they have, with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Textbook: “On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision” by William Lane Craig. (3 credit hours)

ACH 210 Church History 1

This course provides an in-depth study of the history of the Christian Church from its inception to the present day. Students will explore key events, figures, theological developments, and movements that have shaped the Church’s identity and mission, with a focus on understanding the apostolic roots of the Church. Textbook: “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. Publisher: Thomas Nelson. ISBN: 978-1401676315.

Required Courses (60 credits):

BAP 200 Advanced Pneumatology

In this course, we will explore the person, work, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit from a biblical apostolic perspective. Building upon foundational knowledge of Pneumatology, we will delve deeper into the complexities and nuances of the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of the believer and the Church. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit” by Sinclair Ferguson. (3 credits)

BEHS 210 Exegesis of Holy Spirit Scriptures

In this course, we will engage in a detailed study of key biblical passages related to the person, work, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Through careful exegesis and interpretation of these Scriptures, we will deepen our understanding of the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of the believer and the Church from a biblical apostolic perspective. Textbook: “Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit” by Francis Chan (3 credits)

BHSO 220 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

In this course, we will explore the presence, work, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures. By studying the Old Testament texts with a focus on the Holy Spirit, we will gain insight into the continuity of God’s redemptive plan and the foundational role of the Spirit in preparing the way for the coming of Christ. Textbook: “The Message of the Holy Spirit” by Keith Warrington. (3 credits)

BHSN 230 The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

In this course, we will explore the prominent role of the Holy Spirit in the writings of the New Testament, focusing on the teachings of Jesus, the apostles, and the early Christian community regarding the person, work, and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. Through a biblical apostolic perspective, we will delve into the transformative power of the Spirit in the life of the believer and the Church. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit in the New Testament” by George Smeaton. (3 credits)

BPE 240 Pneumatology and Ecclesiology

This is a comprehensive three-hour course that delves into the study of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) and the doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology) from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course aims to equip students with a deep understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and the believer, as well as the nature, purpose, and function of the Church in the plan of God. Textbook: “Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine” by Wayne Grudem. (3 credits)

BPM 250 Pneumatology and Missiology

This is a dynamic three-hour course that explores the intersection of the study of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) and the theory and practice of missions (Missiology) from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course aims to equip students with a deep understanding of how the Holy Spirit empowers and guides the mission of the Church in sharing the Gospel and advancing the Kingdom of God. Textbook: “Mission in the Old Testament: Israel as a Light to the Nations” by Walter C. Kaiser Jr. (3 credits)

BPC 260 Pneumatology and Eschatology

This course is an in-depth three-hour course that explores the relationship between the study of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology) and the study of the end times and final events (Eschatology) from a biblical perspective. This course aims to help students understand the role of the Holy Spirit in the fulfillment of God’s eschatological purposes and the implications of eschatology for Christian living and mission. Textbook: “The Bible and the Future” by Anthony A. Hoekema. (3 credits)

BGHS 210 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

This course is designed to deepen your understanding of the unique gifts bestowed upon you by the Holy Spirit. Rooted in biblical teachings, providing a robust foundation for recognizing, nurturing, and utilizing your spiritual gifts in alignment with God’s purpose. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit)

BFS 270 The Fruit of the Spirit

This course is a specialized course within the Pneumatology program that focuses on the fruit of the Spirit as outlined in the New Testament. This course will explore the nature, significance, and practical implications of the fruit of the Spirit in the life of believers, emphasizing the work of the Holy Spirit in producing these virtues. Textbook: “The Fruit of the Spirit” by Thomas E. Trask. (3 credits)

BHSW 280 The Holy Spirit in Worship

This course is a specialized course within the Pneumatology program that explores the profound role of the Holy Spirit in Christian worship. This course delves into how the Holy Spirit empowers, inspires, and guides believers in their worship of God, both individually and corporately. Textbook: “Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship” by David G. Peterson. (3 credits)

BHSP 300 The Holy Spirit in Prayer

This course is a specialized course within the Pneumatology program that examines the vital role of the Holy Spirit in the practice of prayer. This course explores how the Holy Spirit enables believers to pray according to God’s will, empowers their intercession, and deepens their communion with God through prayer. Textbook: “Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God” by Timothy Keller. (3 credits)

BSSF 310 The Holy Spirit in Spiritual Formation

Through this course the student will dive into the central role of the Holy Spirit in shaping and transforming individuals spiritually according to biblical apostolic perspectives. This course will explore the significance of the Holy Spirit in Christian spiritual development and the formation of believers into the image of Christ. Textbook: “Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit” by Francis Chan (3 credits)

BCI 320 Contemporary Issues in Pneumatology

Through this course the student will explore the current theological, practical, and cultural challenges related to the study of the Holy Spirit in the context of modern society. This course will examine how the biblical apostolic perspective on the Holy Spirit addresses and interacts with contemporary issues faced by believers today. Textbook: “Spirit and Power: Foundations of Pentecostal Experience” by William W. Menzies and Robert P. Menzies (3 credits)

BPH 320 Pneumatology and Healing

This course delves into the biblical apostolic perspective on the Holy Spirit’s role in healing, both spiritual and physical. This course explores the theological foundations, practical applications, and contemporary debates surrounding healing ministry in the context of pneumatology.
Textbook: “Healing: Sign of God’s Love” by Frances MacNutt. (3 credits)

BSSW 330 Pneumatology and Spiritual Warfare

This course explores the biblical perspective on the role of the Holy Spirit in equipping believers for spiritual warfare. This course delves into the nature of spiritual warfare, the authority of believers in Christ, and the empowering work of the Holy Spirit in overcoming spiritual battles. Textbook: “Spiritual Warfare: Recognizing and Overcoming the Work of Evil Spirits” by Karl Payne. (3 credits)

BSG 340 The Holy Spirit and Global Christianity

Explore the multifaceted role of the Holy Spirit in the growth, diversity, and unity of the global Church. This course examines how the Holy Spirit works in different cultural contexts, shapes the worldwide Body of Christ, and empowers believers for mission and service. Textbook: “Global Pentecostalism: The New Face of Christian Social Engagement” by Donald E. Miller and Tetsunao Yamamori. (3 credits)

Electives (Choose 15 credit hours)

Students can choose from a variety of elective courses that focus on specific aspects of biblical studies related to the Holy Spirit.

BCR 340 Comparative Religions: Understanding the Holy Spirit in Other Faith Traditions

The course explores how the concept of the Holy Spirit is understood and manifested in various religious traditions around the world. This course aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Holy Spirit’s role in different faith contexts and to encourage interfaith dialogue and engagement. Textbook: “The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error: A Postmodern Challenge to the Church” by Ravi Zacharias. (3 credits)

BSC 350 The Holy Spirit in the Early Church Fathers’ Writings

This course delves into the foundational perspectives on the Holy Spirit as articulated by the Early Church Fathers, whose theological reflections shaped the doctrine and praxis of the early Christian community. Through a thorough examination of their writings, students will gain a profound understanding of how the Holy Spirit was perceived, experienced, and taught during the formative years of the Church. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit in the Writings of the Early Church Fathers” by Mark J. Kartz. (3 credits)

BPC 470 Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology

This course is designed to provide an in-depth exploration of the theological foundations, historical developments, and contemporary expressions of Pentecostal and Charismatic movements within Christianity. From the initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to the dynamic and diverse global expressions of Charismatic Christianity today, students will engage with key theological concepts, influential figures, and significant events that have shaped these movements.
Textbook: Pentecostal and Charismatic Theology: Essential Readings” edited by William K. Kay and Anne E. Dyer. (3 credits)

BSA 460 The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts

This course focuses on the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit as depicted in the Book of Acts, examining how the early church experienced and was empowered by the Spirit. Through an exegetical and theological study of Acts, students will explore the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the early Christian community, the spread of the gospel, and the establishment of the church. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts” by John R. Levison. (3 credits)

BSE 450 The Holy Spirit in the Epistles

This course focuses on the theological and practical teachings about the Holy Spirit as found in the New Testament Epistles. Through a detailed examination of Pauline, Petrine, Johannine, and other apostolic writings, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how the early church understood and experienced the Holy Spirit. This exploration will illuminate the Spirit’s role in sanctification, empowerment, spiritual gifts, and communal life. Textbook: “Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God” by Gordon D. Fee. (3 credits)

BPP 440 The Holy Spirit in the Psalms and Prophetic Literature

This course is dedicated to exploring the multifaceted role of the Holy Spirit as depicted in the Psalms and the Prophetic books of the Old Testament. By studying these texts, students will gain insight into the Spirit’s work in inspiration, prophecy, guidance, and empowerment, as well as the Spirit’s role in the life and worship of ancient Israel. Understanding these foundations will enrich contemporary Christian theology and practice.
Textbook: “The Spirit in the Psalms and the Prophets: A Biblical Theology” by John Goldingay. (3 credits)

BPE 430 Pneumatology and Ecumenism: Exploring Unity in the Spirit

This course examines the role of the Holy Spirit in fostering unity among diverse Christian traditions. From a biblical apostolic perspective, we will explore how the Spirit’s work transcends doctrinal differences, promoting a deeper understanding and cooperation among various Christian communities. Through theological reflection, historical analysis, and practical application, students will gain insights into the Spirit’s unifying power within the global church. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit and Ecumenism” by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen** (3 credits)

BSPW 480 The Holy Spirit in Preaching and Worship

This course explores the dynamic role of the Holy Spirit in the context of preaching and worship within the Christian tradition. Emphasizing a biblical perspective, students will dive into the theological foundations, historical development, and contemporary expressions of the Holy Spirit’s influence in these vital aspects of Christian life and ministry. The course aims to equip students with a deeper understanding and practical skills to effectively incorporate the Holy Spirit’s leading in their preaching and worship practices. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit in Preaching and Worship” by James Forbes and Barbara Holmes. (3 credits)

BSSC 490 The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts in Contemporary Contexts

This course looks into the role and manifestation of the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts within contemporary Christian contexts from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the theological foundations, historical developments, and practical applications of spiritual gifts as described in the New Testament. The course aims to provide students with a robust understanding of how the Holy Spirit operates through spiritual gifts today, equipping them for effective ministry and personal spiritual growth. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts: Then and Now” by Max Turner. (3 credits)

BSSJ 410 The Holy Spirit and Social Justice

This course examines the vital role of the Holy Spirit in promoting social justice from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the theological foundations of justice as presented in the Scriptures, the historical involvement of the church in social justice movements, and contemporary applications of Spirit-led justice initiatives. The course aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of how the Holy Spirit empowers believers to advocate for and enact social justice in various contexts.
Textbook: The Justice Calling: Where Passion Meets Perseverance by Bethany H. Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson. (3 credits)

BST 420 The Holy Spirit and Personal Transformation

This course investigates the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the theological foundations of personal transformation, examine key biblical texts, and consider historical and contemporary examples of lives changed by the Holy Spirit. The course aims to provide students with a deep understanding of how the Holy Spirit brings about spiritual growth, character development, and empowerment for holy living. Textbook: “The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Transformation” by Trevor Hudson. (3 credits)

BSL 400 The Holy Spirit and Leadership in the Church

This course explores the critical role of the Holy Spirit in church leadership from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will delve into the theological foundations, historical developments, and practical applications of Spirit-led leadership. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how the Holy Spirit empowers, guides, and transforms leaders within the church to effectively fulfill their calling. This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead with integrity, wisdom, and spiritual authority. Textbook: “Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God’s Agenda” by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby. (3 credits)

BSE 405 The Holy Spirit and Evangelism

This course examines the integral role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the theological foundations of evangelism, the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, and practical strategies for Spirit-led evangelistic efforts. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how the Holy Spirit guides, convicts, and empowers believers to effectively share the gospel. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in evangelism with spiritual sensitivity and boldness. Textbook: “Empowered Evangelicals: “Bringing Together the Best of the Evangelical and Charismatic Worlds” by Rich Nathan and Ken Wilson. (3 credits)

BSD 415 The Holy Spirit and Discipleship

This course focuses on the transformative role of the Holy Spirit in the process of discipleship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the theological foundations of discipleship, the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit in forming Christ-like character, and practical strategies for fostering discipleship within the church. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how the Holy Spirit guides, empowers, and equips believers to grow as disciples and to disciple others effectively. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to cultivate a vibrant and Spirit-led discipleship ministry. Textbook: “The Spirit of Discipleship: Understanding the Holy Spirit’s Role in Our Lives” by Dallas Willard. (3 credits)

BSET 425 The Holy Spirit and the End Times

This is a course designed to explore the role and work of the Holy Spirit in the context of eschatology from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course will delve into the theological, scriptural, and historical aspects of the Holy Spirit’s activity in the final days, providing a comprehensive understanding of how the Spirit operates within the framework of end-time prophecies.
Textbook: “The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in the Bible” by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen. (3 credits)