Bachelor In Prophetic Ministry

The Bachelor’s Degree in The Prophetic Ministry is designed for individuals who feel a calling to serve in a prophetic capacity within the Christian community. Rooted in an Apostolic and biblical perspective, this degree aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the prophetic ministry, its biblical foundations, and practical applications. This program is structured to equip students with a robust theological education, a deep understanding of spiritual gifts, and the skills necessary to operate effectively in their prophetic calling.

Degree Objective

The objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in The Prophetic Ministry is to:

1. Ground students in biblical theology with a focus on prophetic ministry.

2. Develop a deep understanding of the spiritual gifts, particularly those listed in 1 Corinthians 12.

3. Equip students with practical skills for effective prophetic ministry.

4. Foster spiritual growth and maturity in students.

5. Prepare students for leadership roles within the church and broader Christian community.

The degree program is structured to include 120 credit hours, divided into several key areas:

Biblical Foundation Courses (30 credit hours)

Spiritual Gifts Courses (36 credit hours)

Main Courses in Prophetic Ministry (54 credit hours)

Biblical Foundation Courses (30 Credit Hours)

BIB 111 Old Testament Survey

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the Old Testament, exploring its historical context, literary structure, and theological significance. By studying the Old Testament, students will gain a deeper understanding of God’s revelation and His redemptive plan for humanity. Textbook: “A Survey of the Old Testament” by Andrew E. Hill and John H. Walton. (3 credit hours)

BIB 114 New Testament Survey

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the New Testament, examining its historical context, literary structure, and theological. Through this study, students will gain a deeper understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the development of the early Church, and the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith. Textbook: “Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey” by Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough. (3 credit hours)

BTH 460 Biblical Hermeneutics: Understanding Scripture

This course is designed to equip students with the foundational principles and methods of interpreting and understanding the Holy Scriptures. Participants will engage in studying various aspects of biblical hermeneutics in order to effectively prepare for ministry and deepen their understanding of the Word of God. (3 credit hours)

ABT 115 Biblical Theology 

Biblical Theology is a foundational course that explores the essential teachings and themes of the Bible. This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the overarching narrative of the Bible, key theological concepts, and their practical implications for Christian leadership. By studying the Scriptures in depth, students will be equipped to apply biblical principles to their lives, ministries, and leadership roles. Textbook: “Introducing Biblical Theology” by Michael Lawrence. Publisher: Crossway. ISBN: 978-1433549873 (3 credit hours)

BIB 341 Pentateuch

In this course, we will delve into the foundational texts of the Old Testament, diving into the historical, theological, and literary aspects of the Pentateuch. By studying these foundational books, students will gain a deeper understanding of God’s redemptive plan and how to effectively share and defend the faith based on these foundational texts. Textbook: “The Pentateuch: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series”by Terence E. Fretheim. Publisher: Abingdon Press. ISBN: 978-0687008421. (3 credit hours)

BHB 107 Historical Books of the Old Testament

This course explores the rich narratives, theological concepts, and historical contexts of the historical books in the Old Testament, from Joshua to Esther. It aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of these texts, their significance in the biblical canon, and their relevance to contemporary Christian thought and practice. Textbook: “An Introduction to the Old Testament Historical Books” by David M. Howard Jr.  (3 credit hours)

BWL 114 Wisdom Literature 

This course delves into the profound and often poetic writings of the Old Testament that focus on wisdom, ethics, and human experience. Students will explore the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, gaining insights into their literary styles, theological themes, and practical applications for life and ministry. Textbook: “An Introduction to the Old Testament Poetic Books” by C. Hassell Bullock.  (3 credit hours)

BGA 121 Gospels and Acts

This course provides an in-depth study of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the Acts of the Apostles. It focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the birth and growth of the early church, and the theological and historical significance of these New Testament books. Students will engage with the text critically and devotionally, gaining insights for both personal faith and ministry. Textbook: “An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods & Ministry Formation” by David A. deSilva. (3 credit hours)

BPE 128 Pauline Epistles 

This course offers an in-depth study of the letters written by the Apostle Paul, which form a significant portion of the New Testament. Students will explore the historical context, theological themes, and practical applications of Paul’s writings. The course aims to provide a thorough understanding of Paul’s contributions to Christian theology and practice, and his influence on the early church and Christian thought. Textbook: “Paul: Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology” by Thomas R. Schreiner. (3 credit hours)

BGER 135 General Epistles and Revelation

This course focuses on the New Testament writings outside the Pauline corpus, specifically the General Epistles (Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude) and the Book of Revelation. Students will explore the historical context, theological themes, and practical applications of these texts, gaining insights into their unique contributions to Christian doctrine and practice. Textbook: “Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey” by Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough. (3 credit hours)

Spiritual Gifts Courses (36 Credit Hours)

CISG 104 Introduction To Spiritual Gifts

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the spiritual gifts as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:1-12. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature, purpose, and operation of spiritual gifts within the body of Christ. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and discernment needed to recognize and cultivate their spiritual gifts for the edification of the church and the glory of God. Textbook Required: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

COL 106 Operating in Love: The Foundation of Spiritual Gifts

This course explores the transformative power of love in the context of spiritual gifts. In this two-hour teaching session, we will delve into the importance of love as it relates to the gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. Drawing inspiration from 1 Corinthians 13 and the scriptural principle that “faith works by love,” we will examine how love serves as the foundation for the operation of spiritual gifts. Through this exploration, we aim to understand the role of love in the exercise of spiritual gifts, its value to the church, and the fruits it produces within the body of Christ. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CPL 102 Prayer Language: Understanding Praying in Tongues

In this course we will, delve into the fascinating topic of praying in tongues or the prayer language. This particular gift has been a subject of much discussion and debate among believers. In this two-hour teaching session, we will explore what praying in tongues is, its origins, its significance in our lives today, and how it relates to the teachings in Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 14, and other relevant scriptures. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together as we seek to deepen our understanding of this powerful spiritual gift. Textbooks: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CTI 104 Divers Kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of Divers Kinds of Tongues

In this course we will explore the intriguing topic of Divers Kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of Divers Kinds of Tongues. In this two-hour teaching session, we will explore the distinction between speaking in tongues and the gift of divers kinds of tongues. We will discuss what speaking in tongues is, what the interpretation of divers kinds of tongues entails, how they came about, and their significance in our lives today. Drawing insights from 1 Corinthians 14, we aim to deepen our understanding of these spiritual gifts and how they work together to produce edification in the body of Christ. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

SGC 110 The Gift of Prophecy: Understanding and Application

In this course we explore the profound topic of The Gift of Prophecy. In this two-hour teaching session, we will delve into the meaning and significance of prophecy, both in its original New Testament context and its relevance in our lives today. We will define prophecy from its original Greek roots to its modern-day application, discuss where this gift originates, and explore how prophesying differs from the role of prophets and prophetesses. Drawing insights from 1 Corinthians 14, we will seek to understand how the gift of prophecy functions in the church, its value, and the edification it brings. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together as we seek to deepen our understanding of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 hours)

CWK 115 – The Word of Knowledge

In this course, we will explore the spiritual gift of the word of knowledge as described in 1 Corinthians 12:8. We will examine its biblical foundation, its use through prophets and prophetesses, its value to the church, and how it should function to produce edification within the body of Christ. This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and practical application of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CWW 119 The Gift of the Word of Wisdom

In this course, we will explore the spiritual gift of the word of wisdom as described in 1 Corinthians 12:8. We will examine its biblical foundation, its use through prophets and prophetesses, its value to the church, how it should work, and what it produces, particularly within the church context. This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and practical application of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

BGDS 167 The Gift of Discernment of Spirits and discernment

This course will focus on the understanding, development, and application of the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits and discernment. Students will explore biblical foundations, historical contexts, and contemporary practices to enhance their ability to discern between different spirits, motivations, and truths in various ministry settings. Textbook: *The Beginner’s Guide to the Gift of Discerning of Spirits* by James W. Goll (ISBN: 978-0800798154). (3 credit hours)

CGF 129 The Gift of Faith

In this teaching we will delve into the spiritual gift of faith as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:9. This gift, distinct from saving faith, plays a crucial role in the life of the church, empowering believers to trust God for extraordinary outcomes. We will explore its biblical foundation, practical applications, and its transformative impact within the church community. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CGH 129 The Gift of Diverse Kinds of Healings

In this course, we will explore the spiritual gift of healings as described in 1 Corinthians 12:9, its use, value to the church, operational dynamics, and the results it produces within the body of Christ. Healing is a profound expression of God’s love and power, and understanding this gift will equip you to serve more effectively and compassionately in your ministry. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

BGWM 166 The Gift of Working of Miracles

This course delves into understanding, developing, and exercising the spiritual gift of working miracles, as outlined in the New Testament. Through theological study, practical application, and experiential learning, students will gain insight into the biblical foundation and contemporary relevance of this spiritual gift. Spiritual Gifts. (3 hours)

SGC 110 The Gift of Prophecy: Understanding and Application

In this course we explore the profound topic of The Gift of Prophecy. In this two-hour teaching session, we will delve into the meaning and significance of prophecy, both in its original New Testament context and its relevance in our lives today. We will define prophecy from its original Greek roots to its modern-day application, discuss where this gift originates, and explore how prophesying differs from the role of prophets and prophetesses. Drawing insights from 1 Corinthians 14, we will seek to understand how the gift of prophecy functions in the church, its value, and the edification it brings. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together as we seek to deepen our understanding of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum (3 credit hours)

Main Courses in Prophetic Ministry (54 Credit Hours)

BIP 304 Introduction to Prophetic Ministry

This course provides a comprehensive overview of prophetic ministry, including its biblical foundations, historical development, and contemporary practice. Students will learn to understand, recognize, and operate in the prophetic gift, fostering a deeper connection with God and enhancing their ministry effectiveness. Textbook: The Prophetic Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide by Rick Joyner (ISBN: 978-1607081262) (3 credit hours)

BHP 308 History of Prophecy in the Bible

This course examines the development and role of prophecy throughout the biblical narrative, from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Students will explore the lives and messages of key prophets, the historical context of their ministries, and the theological significance of their prophecies. Textbook: The Prophets by Abraham J. Heschel (ISBN: 978-0060936990). (3 credit hours)

BFP 336 Operating by Faith in the Prophetic Calling 

This course focuses on understanding the vital role of faith in activating and walking in the prophetic gifts. Textbook: “Operating in the Courts of Heaven: Granting God the Legal Rights to Fulfill His Passion and Answer Our Prayers” by Robert Henderson. Supplement Textbook: “The Spirit-Filled Life: Discover the Joy of Surrendering to the Holy Spirit” by Charles F. Stanley. (3 credit hours)

BPW 342 Prophetic Worship

This course explores the intersection of prophetic ministry and worship. In this course the student will come to understand the biblical foundation of prophetic worship, explore the role of worship in activating prophetic gifts, develop skills in prophetic expression through worship, and cultivate an atmosphere conducive to hearing God’s voice in worship. Textbook: “Prophetic Worship: Releasing the Spirit of Prophecy” by Barbara Wentroble as a supplementary textbook for this course. (3 credit hours)

BPI 312 Prophetic Intercession 

This course focuses on the intersection of prophecy and intercessory prayer, teaching students how to effectively combine these spiritual disciplines to discern God’s will and pray it into reality. Students will explore biblical foundations, historical examples, and practical applications of prophetic intercession. Textbook: *Prophetic Intercession: Letting God Lead Your Prayers by Barbara Wentroble (ISBN: 978-0830726250). (3 credit hours)

BHVG 316 Hearing the Voice of God 2

This course delves deeper into discerning and responding to God’s voice in various contexts. Students will explore advanced techniques, biblical examples, and practical applications to enhance their prophetic listening skills and spiritual sensitivity. Textbook: *Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God* by Dallas Willard (ISBN: 978-0830835693). (3 credit hours)

BPE 320 The Prophetic Ear 

This course focuses on developing the ability to hear and accurately discern the voice of God. Students will explore the biblical foundations, theological perspectives, and practical skills necessary for cultivating a prophetic ear. Through a combination of theoretical study and practical exercises, students will learn how to fine-tune their spiritual hearing and apply prophetic insights in various ministry contexts. Textbook: The Prophetic Voice of God: Learning to Recognize the Language of the Holy Spirit* by Lana Vawser (ISBN: 978-0768442955). (3 credit hours)

BPS 328 Prophetic Sight

This course focuses on developing the spiritual gift of prophetic vision, which includes seeing and interpreting divine revelations through dreams, visions, and other supernatural experiences. Students will explore biblical foundations, historical examples, and practical applications to enhance their ability to receive and interpret prophetic visions. Textbook: The Seer: The Prophetic Power of Visions, Dreams, and Open Heavens* by James W. Goll (ISBN: 978-0800797911). (3 credit hours)

BDV 352 Dreams and Visions

This course focuses on understanding the significance of dreams and visions in prophetic ministry and personal spiritual growth. Textbooks “The Divinity Code to Understanding Your Dreams and Visions” by Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale. (3 credit hours)

BDPG 332 Developing Prophetic Gifts

This course aims to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and practical experience to develop and enhance their prophetic gifting. Textbook: “Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible: Playing by the Rules” by Robert H. Stein. (3 credit hours)

BPA 346 Prophetic Activation: Break Your Limitation to Release Influence

This course focuses on empowering students to break through personal limitations and release their prophetic influence effectively from a biblical apostolic perspective. Textbook: “Prophetic Activation: Break Your Limitation to Release Influence” by John Eckhardt. Publisher: Creation House. (3 credit hours)

BAPM 356 Advanced Prophetic Ministry

This course is tailored for students who have a foundational understanding of prophetic ministry and are looking to deepen their knowledge and practical skills in prophetic operations.

Textbook: “Prophetic Activation: Break Your Limitation to Release Influence” by John Eckhardt. (3 credit hours)

BPD 401 Prophetic Deliverance

This course will equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to operate in the ministry of prophetic deliverance effectively within the context of the prophetic. Textbook: “Prophetic Activation: “Break Your Limitation to Release Prophetic Influence” by John Eckhardt. (3 credit hours)

BPC 403 Prophetic Counseling

This course aims to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual insight needed to effectively counsel individuals using the gifts of prophecy and discernment. Textbook: “Counseling with the Prophetic” by Dr. R. Loren Sandford. (3 credit hours)

BPP 405 Practical Prophetic Ministry

This course will focus on developing practical prophetic gifts, understanding the prophetic ministry in the context of the church and society, and applying prophetic principles in real-world scenarios. Textbook: “Developing Your Prophetic Gifting” by Graham Cooke. (3 credit hours)

BPL 407 Prophetic Leadership

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual discernment needed to lead effectively in various settings, guided by the prophetic anointing. Textbook: “The Prophetic Advantage: Be God’s Mouthpiece. Transform Your World” by Michelle McClain-Walters. (3 credit hours)

BPEI 409 Prophetic Ethics and Integrity

This course aims to equip students with a solid ethical foundation, guiding them in maintaining integrity, accountability, and moral uprightness in their prophetic endeavors. Textbook: “Guarding the Prophetic Heart: Safeguarding Your Prophetic Word” by R.T. Kendall. (3 credit hours)

BWT 411 One Thousand Word Thesis

This Thesis gives the student opportunity to synthesize their knowledge and understanding of prophetic studies through a focused written thesis. This course will challenge students to delve deeply into a specific topic within the realm of prophetic ministry from a biblical apostolic perspective. Recommendation of Textbook: “Writing Theology Well: A Rhetoric for Theological and Biblical Writers” by Lucretia B. Yaghjian. (3 credit hours)


The Bachelor’s Degree in The Prophetic Ministry is designed to provide a comprehensive and biblically grounded education for individuals called to prophetic ministry. By integrating a strong theological foundation with practical training and spiritual development, this program aims to equip students to serve effectively and ethically in their prophetic calling. Upon completion, graduates will be prepared to take on leadership roles and make significant contributions to their communities and the broader body of Christ.