Bachelor Of Arts In Christian Education

This program combines a solid biblical foundation with practical pedagogical strategies, aiming to prepare students for effective teaching and educational leadership in various Christian settings. Rooted in an Apostolic and biblical perspective, the degree equips students with the knowledge, skills, and spiritual maturity needed to nurture and educate others in the faith.

The degree program is structured to include 120 credit hours, divided into several key areas:

Biblical Foundation Courses (30 credit hours)

Main Courses in Christian Teaching and Education (60 credit hours)

Electives (30 credit hours)

Biblical Foundation Courses (30 credit hours)

Biblical Foundation Courses (30 credit hours)

BOT 111 Old Testament Survey

This is a foundational course within the Christian Leadership Certificate Program, designed to provide participants with an overview of the Old Testament from a biblical and apostolic perspective. This course will cover the major themes, key events, and significant figures of the Old Testament, highlighting their relevance to Christian leadership and ministry. Through scriptural study, thematic exploration, and interactive discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the Old Testament’s role in the overarching narrative of the Bible and its application to their leadership roles. (3 credit hours)

BNT 100 New Testament Survey

This course will cover the major themes, key events, and significant figures of the New Testament, with a focus on their relevance to Christian ministry. Through scriptural study, thematic exploration, and interactive discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the New Testament’s message and its application to contemporary ministry contexts. (3 credit hours)

BTH 460 Biblical Hermeneutics: Understanding Scripture

This course is designed to equip students with the foundational principles and methods of interpreting and understanding the Holy Scriptures through an apostolic lens. Participants will engage in studying various aspects of biblical hermeneutics in order to effectively prepare for ministry and deepen their understanding of the Word of God. (3 credit hours)

ABT 115 Biblical Theology 

This course is a foundational course that explores the essential teachings and themes of the Bible. This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the overarching narrative of the Bible, key theological concepts, and their practical implications for Christian leadership. By studying the Scriptures in depth, students will be equipped to apply biblical principles to their lives, ministries, and leadership roles.Textbook: “Introducing Biblical Theology” by Michael Lawrence. Publisher: Crossway. ISBN: 978-1433549873. (3 credit hours)

BIB 341 Pentateuch

This is a course that explores the first five books of the Bible from a biblical apostolic perspective. In this course, we will delve into the foundational texts of the Old Testament, delving into the historical, theological, and literary aspects of the Pentateuch. By studying these foundational books, students will gain a deeper understanding of God’s redemptive plan and how to effectively share and defend the faith based on these foundational texts. Textbook: “The Pentateuch: Interpreting Biblical Texts Series”by Terence E. Fretheim. Publisher: Abingdon Press. ISBN: 978-0687008421. (3 credit hours)

BHB 107 Historical Books of the Old Testament 

The “Historical Books of the Old Testament” course is an integral part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education. This course explores the rich narratives, theological concepts, and historical contexts of the historical books in the Old Testament, from Joshua to Esther. It aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of these texts, their significance in the biblical canon, and their relevance to contemporary Christian thought and practice. Textbook: “An Introduction to the Old Testament History” by by David M. Howard Jr. (3 Credit hours)

BWL 114 Wisdom Literature 

This course is a pivotal component of the Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education. This course delves into the profound and often poetic writings of the Old Testament that focus on wisdom, ethics, and human experience. Students will explore the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon, gaining insights into their literary styles, theological themes, and practical applications for life and ministry. (3 credit hours)

BGA 121 Gospels and Acts

This course provides an in-depth study of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the Acts of the Apostles. It focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the birth and growth of the early church, and the theological and historical significance of these New Testament books. Students will engage with the text critically and devotionally, gaining insights for both personal faith and ministry. Textbook: “An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods & Ministry Formation” by David A. deSilva. (3 credit hours)

BPE 128 Pauline Epistles 

This course offers an in-depth study of the letters written by the Apostle Paul, which form a significant portion of the New Testament. Students will explore the historical context, theological themes, and practical applications of Paul’s writings. The course aims to provide a thorough understanding of Paul’s contributions to Christian theology and practice, and his influence on the early church and Christian thought. Textbook: “Paul: Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology” by Thomas R. Schreiner. (3 credit hours)

BGER 135 General Epistles and Revelation

This course is a vital part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education. This course focuses on the New Testament writings outside the Pauline corpus, specifically the General Epistles (Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2 & 3 John, Jude) and the Book of Revelation. Students will explore the historical context, theological themes, and practical applications of these texts, gaining insights into their unique contributions to Christian doctrine and practice. Textbook: “Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey” by Walter A. Elwell and Robert W. Yarbrough. (3 credit hours)

Main course in  Christian Education (60 hours)

BCE 205 Foundation of Christian Education

This is a fundamental course designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles, theories, and practices that underpin Christian education. Through this course, students will delve into the historical, philosophical, and theological foundations of Christian education, examining its significance in shaping individuals and communities. Textbook: “Foundations of Christian Education: Addresses to Christian Teachers” by Andrew Murray. (3 credit hours)

BEP 210 Educational Psychology

This course is an essential part of the Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education. This course explores the principles of psychology as they apply to the educational process, focusing on how students learn, develop, and are motivated. By understanding these principles, students will be better equipped to create effective and supportive learning environments. The course integrates psychological theories with biblical principles, aiming to prepare future educators to meet the diverse needs of learners in a Christian educational setting. Textbook: “Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice” by Robert E. Slavin. (3 credit hours)

BPT 215 Principles of Teaching

This course is a foundational component of the Bachelor’s Degree in Christian Education. This course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental principles and practices of effective teaching. It integrates educational theories with practical strategies, emphasizing the importance of teaching in a Christian context. By exploring various teaching methods and instructional designs, students will be equipped to create engaging and impactful learning experiences for diverse learners. Textbook: “Effective Teaching Methods: Research-Based Practice” by Gary D. Borich. (3 credit hours)

BCD 220 Curriculum Development

This course is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to design, implement, and evaluate effective curricula in Christian educational settings. By integrating educational theories, practical strategies, and biblical principles, students will learn to create curricula that meet the diverse needs of learners and promote spiritual growth. Textbook: “Curriculum Development: A Guide to Practice” by Jon W. Wiles and Joseph C. Bondi. (3 credit hours)

BCM 225 Classroom Management”

This course is a crucial skill for educators, particularly in a Christian education setting where moral and ethical considerations are paramount. This 3-credit hour course, “Classroom Management,” aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a positive and effective learning environment. By integrating Christian principles, the course will prepare future educators to manage their classrooms with compassion, respect, and integrity. Textbook: “Classroom Management for Elementary Teachers”  by Carolyn M. Evertson, Edmund T. Emmer. (3 credit hours)

BTHS 230 Teaching Methods for Biblical Studies

This course aims to equip future educators with effective teaching methodologies tailored specifically for biblical studies. By integrating pedagogical theories with practical applications, students will learn to engage their students deeply with biblical texts and principles. Textbook: “Creative Bible Teaching” by Lawrence O. Richards and Gary J. Bredfeldt. (3 credit hours)

BCRA 240 Christian Education Administration”

This course covers various aspects of administration, including leadership principles, organizational management, financial oversight, and program development, all grounded in Christian values and ethics. Textbook: “Educational Leadership: “A Christian Perspective”  by J. D. Berkley (3 credit hours)

BTO 245 Teaching the Old Testament”

This course delves into the historical, literary, and theological aspects of the Old Testament, providing students with a comprehensive understanding that they can impart to their future students. Emphasis is placed on developing engaging and thoughtful teaching methods that bring the ancient texts to life in contemporary classrooms. Textbook: “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth” by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart. (3 hours) (3 credit hours)

BTN 250 Teaching the New Testament

This course covers the historical background, literary genres, and theological themes of the New Testament, providing students with a solid foundation for teaching. Emphasis is placed on developing engaging teaching methods that connect the ancient texts to contemporary life and faith. Textbook: “New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors” by Gordon D. Fee. (3 credit hours)

BDF 255 Developing Faith-Based Curriculum

This course is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to create effective and engaging faith-based curricula. From a biblical apostolic perspective, this course emphasizes the importance of grounding educational content in Scripture while making it relevant and accessible to modern learners. Students will learn to integrate biblical principles with pedagogical methods to develop curricula that foster spiritual growth and academic excellence. Textbook: “Christian Education: Foundations for the Future” by Robert E. Clark, Lin Johnson, and Allyn K. Sloat. (3 credit hours)

BET 303 Educational Technology in Christian Education

This course aims to equip future Christian educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively incorporate technology into their pedagogical practices while maintaining a biblical and apostolic perspective. Textbook: “Teaching and Learning with Technology” by Judy Lever-Duffy and Jean B. McDonald, 6th Edition, Pearson. (3 credit hours)

BAE 306 Assessment and Evaluation

This course aims to equip Christian educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to create and implement effective assessment and evaluation strategies that align with biblical principles. Textbook: “Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction” by James H. McMillan, 7th Edition, Pearson. (3 credit hours)

BYE 309 Youth Ministry Education

This course aims to equip future youth ministers with the skills, knowledge, and spiritual insight necessary to lead and educate young people effectively. Textbook: “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: 9 Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth” by Doug Fields, Zondervan. (3 credit hours)

BYE 309 Youth Ministry Education

This course aims to equip future youth ministers with the skills, knowledge, and spiritual insight necessary to lead and educate young people effectively. Textbook: “Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: 9 Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth” by Doug Fields, Zondervan. (3 credit hours)

BAE 315 Adult Christian Education

This course aims to prepare future educators to effectively teach and disciple adult learners, emphasizing biblical principles, practical application, and spiritual formation. Textbook: “Teaching the Faith, Forming the Faithful: A Biblical Vision for Education in the Church” by Gary A. Parrett and S. Steve Kang, IVP Academic. (3 credit hours)

BTC 318 Special Topics in Christian Education

This course delves into specialized topics within Christian education from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore key principles, methods, and issues relevant to teaching and learning in a Christian context. Textbook: “Foundations of Christian Education: Addresses to Christian Teachers” by J.G. Vos. (3 credit hours)

BEE 321 Ethics in Christian Education

This course will explore ethical considerations, dilemmas, and frameworks in the context of Christian teaching and learning.

Textbook: “The Outrageous Idea of Christian Teaching” by George S. Knight. (3 credit hours)

BLE 324 Leadership in Christian Education

This course focuses on developing effective leadership skills within the context of Christian education, grounded in biblical principles. Textbook: “Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer” by J. Oswald Sanders. (3 credit hours)

BSD 327 Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

This course explores the principles, practices, and processes involved in nurturing spiritual growth and fostering discipleship within the Christian community. Textbook: “The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives” by Dallas Willard. (3 credit hours)

BPI 330 Practical Internship in Christian Education

This course provides students with the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge and skills in a real-world Christian educational setting. Through hands-on experience and mentorship, students will gain practical insights into the challenges and rewards of working in Christian education. Textbook: “Teaching to Change Lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make Your Teaching Come Alive” by Howard Hendricks. (3 credit hours)

Electives (30 Credit Hours)

Students can choose from a variety of electives to tailor their education to their specific interests and calling. Possible electives includes:

ACH 210 Church History 1

This course provides an in-depth study of the history of the Christian Church from its inception to the present day. Students will explore key events, figures, theological developments, and movements that have shaped the Church’s identity and mission, with a focus on understanding the apostolic roots of the Church. Textbook: “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. Publisher: Thomas Nelson. ISBN: 978-1401676315. (3 credit hours)

ACE 202 Christian Ethics

Christian Ethics is a foundational aspect of Christian leadership, guiding moral behavior and decision-making based on biblical principles. This course aims to provide students with an understanding of ethical theories, principles, and practices from a Christian perspective. Students will explore how to apply these principles in personal life, ministry, and broader societal issues, fostering integrity and ethical leadership. Primary Textbook: “Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options” by Norman L. Geisler. Supplementary Texts: “Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in Contemporary Context” by David P. Gushee and Glen H. Stassen. “The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation: A Contemporary Introduction to New Testament Ethics” by Richard B. Hays. (3 credit hours)

BBA 410 Biblical Apologetics

This course is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in defending the Christian faith using the Bible. This course will focus on the scriptural basis for apologetics, key biblical arguments, and effective methods to communicate and defend the faith. It aims to equip students with the skills necessary to address objections and articulate the truth of the gospel from a biblical perspective. Primary Textbook: “The Defense of the Faith” by Cornelius Van Til. (3 credit hours)

CCS 340 Pastoral Care & Counseling

The objective in this is to equip students with an understanding of pastoral care principles and practices. Students will learn about the role of a pastor in providing emotional and spiritual support to individuals and communities in need. By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of key pastoral care concepts and apply them in practical counseling scenarios. Textbook: “The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach”  by Carrie Doehring. Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN-13: 978-0664233090. (3 credit hours)

BME 460 Missions and Evangelism

This course is designed to explore the biblical, theological, and practical foundations of missions and evangelism. This course will focus on the Great Commission, the role of the church in missions, and effective strategies for evangelism both locally and globally. It aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill the apostolic mandate to spread the gospel to all nations. Primary Textbook: “Perspectives on the World Christian Movement: A Reader” edited by Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne. (3 credit hours)

AFL 120 Foundations of Christian Leadership

Foundations of Christian Leadership is a comprehensive course designed to equip students with the essential skills, knowledge, and principles necessary for effective leadership within a Christian context. This course will explore key biblical, theological, and practical foundations of Christian leadership, with a focus on developing servant leadership qualities rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Textbook: “Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer” by J. Oswald Sanders. Publisher: Moody Publishers. ISBN: 978-0802416795 (3 credit hours)

ASW 124 Spiritual Warfare I

This course is designed to equip students with the biblical understanding and practical skills necessary to engage in spiritual warfare. We will explore foundational principles from a biblical apostolic perspective, addressing the nature of spiritual battles, strategies for victory, and the role of the believer in overcoming spiritual opposition. Primary Textbook: “Victory in Spiritual Warfare: Outfitting Yourself for the Battle” by Tony Evans (3 credit hours)

BBA 400 Biblical Archaeology

This course seeks to explore the fascinating field of archaeology as it relates to the study of the Bible and the ancient Near East. By examining archaeological discoveries and their implications for biblical studies, students will gain a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural contexts in which the events of the Bible took place. Textbook: The Archaeology of the Holy Land by Jodi Magness (3 credit hours)

BCR 340 Comparative Religions: Understanding the Holy Spirit in Other Faith Traditions

The course explores how the concept of the Holy Spirit is understood and manifested in various religious traditions around the world. This course aims to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Holy Spirit’s role in different faith contexts and to encourage interfaith dialogue and engagement. Textbook: “The Spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error: A Postmodern Challenge to the Church” by Ravi Zacharias. (3 credit hours)

AIPC 100 Introduction to Pastoral Care

This course serves as an introduction to the foundational principles and practices of pastoral care from a biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the role of pastoral counselors, the importance of empathy and active listening, and the integration of faith and spirituality in providing care and support to individuals facing various life challenges. Textbook: “The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach” by Carrie Doehring Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press. Year: 2006. (3 credit hours)

BTE 302 Theology of Evangelism

This course will delve into the principles and practices of evangelism as seen in the Bible, with a particular focus on the apostolic witness. It aims to equip students with a deep understanding of the theological underpinnings of evangelistic efforts and practical strategies for sharing the gospel effectively. Primary Textbook: “The Master Plan of Evangelism” by Robert E. Coleman (3 credit hours)

BDHG 370 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 

This course provides a comprehensive study of the person and work of the Holy Spirit as revealed in the Scriptures, with a focus on understanding the role and significance of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and the Church. Through this study, you will deepen your knowledge and experience of the third person of the Trinity and learn how to cultivate a vibrant relationship with the Holy Spirit. Textbook: “He Walks With Me” by Michael Mangum (3 credit hours)

Degree Objective

The objective of the Bachelor’s Degree in The Christian Teaching and Education Ministry is to:

1. Provide a comprehensive biblical and theological education.

2. Equip students with effective teaching methodologies and educational leadership skills.

3. Foster spiritual growth and maturity in students.

4. Prepare students for roles as Christian educators, Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, and educational administrators.

5. Develop students’ ability to integrate faith and learning in various educational contexts.


The Bachelor’s Degree in The Christian Teaching and Education Ministry is designed to provide a well-rounded, biblically grounded education for individuals called to teach and lead in Christian educational settings. By integrating theological knowledge with practical teaching skills and leadership training, this program aims to prepare graduates to effectively educate and disciple others in the Christian faith. Upon completion, graduates will be equipped to take on roles as educators, administrators, and leaders within the church and broader Christian community, making a significant impact through their teaching and ministry.