Certificate Programs Offered

Certificate in Spiritual Gifts

Embark on a transformative journey with our Certificate in Spiritual Gifts, a comprehensive program designed to deepen your understanding of the unique gifts bestowed upon you by the Holy Spirit. Rooted in biblical teachings, this 24-credit hour course spans an intensive 6-week period, providing a robust foundation for recognizing, nurturing, and utilizing your spiritual gifts in alignment with God’s purpose. Open to individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent, this program offers an accessible path to spiritual growth and service. With a registration fee of $40 and a total tuition cost of $600, this course invites you to invest in your spiritual development and discover the divine potential within you.

Credit Hour: 36 credit hours

Course Length 12 Weeks

CISG 104 Introduction To Spiritual Gifts

This course provides an in-depth exploration of the spiritual gifts as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:1-12. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature, purpose, and operation of spiritual gifts within the body of Christ. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and discernment needed to recognize and cultivate their spiritual gifts for the edification of the church and the glory of God. Textbook Required: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum (3 credit hours)

COL 106 Operating in Love: The Foundation of Spiritual Gifts

This course explores the transformative power of love in the context of spiritual gifts. In this two-hour teaching session, we will delve into the importance of love as it relates to the gifts of the Spirit found in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. Drawing inspiration from 1 Corinthians 13 and the scriptural principle that “faith works by love,” we will examine how love serves as the foundation for the operation of spiritual gifts. Through this exploration, we aim to understand the role of love in the exercise of spiritual gifts, its value to the church, and the fruits it produces within the body of Christ. Let us embark on this journey of discovery together as we learn to operate in love for the edification of the church. (2 credit hours). Textbook: Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness” by Jerry Cook.

BGV 101 Discerning the Voice of God: Principles and Practices

This course explores the biblical principles and practices that enable believers to hear, discern, and distinguish the voice of God amidst the noise of life. Students will delve into the importance of prayer, reading, studying, and meditating on the word of God as essential components for recognizing and understanding the voice of God. Additionally, the course will cover various ways in which God communicates with His people. Primary Textbook: “Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God” by Dallas Willard. Secondary textbook: “Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God” by Henry T. Blackaby and Claude V. King. (3 credit hours)

CPL 102 – Prayer Language: Understanding Praying in Tongues

In this course, we will delve into the fascinating topic of praying in tongues or the prayer language. This particular gift has been a subject of much discussion and debate among believers. In this two-hour teaching session, we will explore what praying in tongues is, its origins, its significance in our lives today, and how it relates to the teachings in Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 14, and other relevant scriptures. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together as we seek to deepen our understanding of this powerful spiritual gift. Textbooks: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CTI 104 – Divers Kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of Divers Kinds of Tongues

In this course, we will explore the intriguing topic of Divers Kinds of Tongues and the Interpretation of Divers Kinds of Tongues. In this two-hour teaching session, we will explore the distinction between speaking in tongues and the gift of divers kinds of tongues. We will discuss what speaking in tongues is, what the interpretation of divers kinds of tongues entail, how they came about, and their significance in our lives today. Drawing insights from 1 Corinthians 14, we aim to deepen our understanding of these spiritual gifts and how they work together to produce edification in the body of Christ. (3 credit hours)

CGP 110 – The Gift of Prophecy: Understanding and Application

In this course, we explore the profound topic of the Gift of Prophecy. In this course, we will delve into the meaning and significance of prophecy, both in its original New Testament context and its relevance in our lives today. We will define prophecy from its original Greek roots to its modern-day application, discuss where this gift originates, and explore how prophesying differs from the role of prophets and prophetesses. Drawing insights from 1 Corinthians 14, we will seek to understand how the gift of prophecy functions in the church, its value, and the edification it brings. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together as we seek to deepen our understanding of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum (3 credit hours)

CWK 115 – The Word of Knowledge

In this course, we will explore the spiritual gift of the word of knowledge as described in 1 Corinthians 12:8. We will examine its biblical foundation, its use through prophets and prophetesses, its value to the church, and how it should function to produce edification within the body of Christ. This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and practical application of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael. (3 credit hours)

CWW 119 The Gift of the Word of Wisdom

In this course, we will explore the spiritual gift of the word of wisdom as described in 1 Corinthians 12:8. We will examine its biblical foundation, its use through prophets and prophetesses, its value to the church, how it should work, and what it produces, particularly within the church context. This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and practical application of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CDS 125 The Discerning of Spirits and Discernment

In this course, we will delve into the spiritual gift of discerning of spirits as described in 1 Corinthians 12:10. We will explore its biblical foundation, its use through prophets and prophetesses, its value to the church, how it should function, and what it produces, especially within the church context. This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and practical application of this spiritual gift. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts. (3 credit hours)

CGH 129: The Gift of Diverse Kinds of Healings

In this course, we will explore the spiritual gift of healings as described in 1 Corinthians 12:9, its use, value to the church, operational dynamics, and the results it produces within the body of Christ. Healing is a profound expression of God’s love and power, and understanding this gift will equip you to serve more effectively and compassionately in your ministry. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CGF 129: The Gift of Faith

In this teaching we will delve into the spiritual gift of faith as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12:9. This gift, distinct from saving faith, plays a crucial role in the life of the church, empowering believers to trust God for extraordinary outcomes. We will explore its biblical foundation, practical applications, and its transformative impact within the church community. Textbook: Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours

CGM 159 The Gift of Working of Miracles

This course focuses on the spiritual gift of miracles as described in 1 Corinthians 12:10. Miracles are extraordinary events that transcend natural laws and reveal God’s power and presence. We will explore the biblical foundation of this gift, its practical applications, the impact on the church, and how it can be responsibly and effectively exercised within the body of Christ. Spiritual Gifts by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

Certificate in Youth and Children Ministry

This certificate program is designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively minister to children and youth, from toddlers to teenagers. The program combines theoretical foundations with practical applications to ensure participants are well-prepared to make a meaningful impact in their communities and cities.

Courses required to be awarded this certificate

Certificate Duration: 12 weeks/ 36 credit hours

CCY 010 Introduction to Children and Youth Ministry

This is a foundational course designed to equip you with the knowledge and understanding necessary to minister effectively to children and youth from a biblical Apostolic perspective. This course will explore the developmental stages from toddlers to teens, the biblical foundation for ministry, and the unique needs and challenges of each age group. Through this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to nurture and disciple children and youth in their spiritual journey. Required Textbook: “Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions: Why Children Should Be Your Church’s #1 Priority” by George Barna. (3 credit hours)

COR 020 Reach Children and Youth in Our Communities and Cities

This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively engage and minister to children and youth in your community from a biblical apostolic perspective. This course will focus on identifying and understanding the demographics of your community, developing outreach strategies, building relationships with local schools, community centers, and families, and implementing practical outreach activities and events. Required Textbook: “Outreach and the Artist: Sharing the Gospel with the Unchurched in Today’s World” by Constance Cumbey. (3 credit hours)

CECY 030 Developing Effective Children and Youth Ministry

The Developing Effective Children and Youth Ministry course is designed to provide you with the foundational principles and practical skills needed to establish and maintain a successful ministry to children and youth from a biblical perspective. This course will focus on creating a vision and mission for your ministry, structuring it to cater to different age groups, recruiting, training, and retaining volunteers, and designing age-appropriate programs and curriculum to nurture the spiritual growth of young individuals. Required Textbook: “Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t Last and What Your Church Can Do About It” by Mark DeVries. (3 credit hours)

CTD 040 Teaching and Discipling Children and Youth

This course is part of the “Certificate in Ministry to Children and Youth” program and is designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively teach and disciple children and youth within a biblical Apostolic framework. The course will focus on teaching methods suited to different age groups, incorporating interactive and experiential learning, developing discipleship strategies for long-term spiritual growth, and creating a nurturing and supportive environment. Required Textbook: “Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions: Why Children Should Be Your Church’s #1 Priority” by George Barna. (3 credit hours)

CCM 050 Counseling and Mentoring Children and Youth

This course is part of the “Certificate in Ministry to Children and Youth” program and is designed to provide students with the foundational skills necessary for counseling and mentoring children and youth within a biblical apostolic framework. The course will cover basic counseling techniques, active listening skills, addressing common issues faced by young people, the role of mentorship in their spiritual and personal development, and establishing mentoring programs within a ministry context. Required Textbook: “Helping the Hurting: A Biblical Guide to Counseling Children and Youth” by Richard Rupp and Ken M. Howard. (3 credit hours)

CEE 060 Effective Event Planning for Children and Youth that is Fun

This course is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, execute, and evaluate events tailored for children and youth within a biblical apostolic framework. Emphasizing principles of event planning, engagement, budgeting, fundraising, and safety, this course ensures that events are not only fun but also meaningful and spiritually enriching. Required Textbook: “The Complete Guide to Planning and Leading Youth Ministry Events” by Jim Burns and Mike DeVries. (3 credit hours)

CEF 070 Engaging Families in Ministry

This 2-credit hour course is a crucial part of the “Certificate in Ministry to Children and Youth” program, designed to emphasize the importance of family involvement in the spiritual development of children and youth. The course focuses on strategies for partnering with parents and caregivers, creating family-oriented events and programs, and addressing family dynamics to provide holistic support. By integrating the family unit into ministry efforts, we aim to foster a stronger, more cohesive spiritual community. Required Textbook: “Family Ministry Field Guide: How Your Church Can Equip Parents to Make Disciples” by Timothy Paul Jones. (3 credit hours)

CSI 080 Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity in Children and Youth Ministry

The course will focus on creating an inclusive environment for all children and youth, addressing cultural and societal challenges, and promoting unity and respect within the ministry. By fostering an environment of cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, we aim to strengthen the faith community and ensure that every child and youth feels valued and accepted. Required Textbook: “Many Colors: Cultural Intelligence for a Changing Church” by Soong-Chan Rah. (3 credit hours)

CWA 280 Worship and Arts in Children and Youth Ministry

This course will explore the biblical perspective on engaging young hearts through worship, utilizing music, arts, and creative expression to foster spiritual growth, and effectively planning and leading worship services tailored for children and youth. Textbook: “Rhythms of Grace: How the Church’s Worship Tells the Story of the Gospel” by Mike Cosper. (3 credit hours)

CSL 340 Senior Leadership/Pastors Role in Children and Youth Ministry

This course is designed to equip senior leaders and pastors with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively lead and oversee Children and Youth Ministry programs within their churches. By focusing on the development of these vital ministries, providing resources, encouragement, and guidance in choosing and evaluating children and youth ministers, this course aims to empower leaders to create impactful and thriving ministries for the next generation. Textbook: “Leading KidMin: How to Drive Real Change in Children’s Ministry” by Pat Cimo. (3 credit hours)

CTM 300 Technology and Media in Children and Youth Ministry 

This course will explore how to effectively utilize technology for ministry outreach while upholding media ethics and best practices in the context of Children and Youth Ministry, guided by biblical apostolic principles. Textbook: “Engaging the Digital Generation: How the Digital Age is Impacting Children and Youth Ministry” by David Csinos. (3 credit hours)

The Following course is a requirement to be awarded this Certificate

CPMC 330 Practical Ministry Application and Capstone Project

This course is designed to provide participants with the opportunity to put their learning into practice by developing a comprehensive Children and Youth Ministry Action Plan and presenting their Capstone Projects. Through this hands-on experience, students will have the chance to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired throughout their certificate program to real-world ministry scenarios. Textbook: “Sustainable Youth Ministry: Why Most Youth Ministry Doesn’t Last and What Your Church Can Do About It” by Mark DeVries. (3 credit hours)

Certificate in Evangelism

Credit Hours: 36

Duration: 12 weeks
Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Equivalent

The certificate provides advanced training in Christian Evangelism for current and future evangelist, ministers, ministry leaders in churches, outreach managers in Christian organizations, missionaries, and evangelists, Christian who believe it is the responsibility of the church to go into all the world and preach the gospel creature.

This program welcomes students with secular or Bible college degrees, with or without ministry experience, who are interested in evangelism and desire to sharpen their evangelist skills, be challenged and make a significant impact for Christ and His kingdom around the world. Students are equipped to plan, organize, lead, assess, manage the evangelistic area of the local church or ministry. They will come to know and understand media outreach, the power of mail outreach, door to door outreach, one on one outreach, tent ministry outreach, street ministry outreach, and advertising and marketing approach to church growth. 

Courses To Complete To Earn the Certificate

BGV 101 Discerning the Voice of God: Principles and Practices

This course explores the biblical principles and practices that enable believers to hear, discern, and distinguish the voice of God amidst the noise of life. Students will delve into the importance of prayer, reading, studying, and meditating on the word of God as essential components for recognizing and understanding the voice of God. Additionally, the course will cover various ways in which God communicates with His people. Textbook: “Hearing God’s voice by Derek Prince.” (3 credit hours)

AEE 101 Ethics and Excellence

This course explores key biblical teachings on ethics, integrity, character, and excellence, emphasizing the importance of these principles in decision-making, relationships, and behaviors. Grounded in the teachings of the apostles and the broader biblical tradition, students will develop a deeper understanding of ethical integrity and excellence in various aspects of life. Textbooks. A God to Glorify by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hour)

BSSF 310 The Holy Spirit in Spiritual Formation

Through this course the student will dive into the central role of the Holy Spirit in shaping and transforming individuals spiritually according to biblical apostolic perspectives. This course will explore the significance of the Holy Spirit in Christian spiritual development and the formation of believers into the image of Christ. Textbook: “He Walks With Me by Michael Mangum. (3 Credit Hours)

CUA 1111 Understanding and Ministering Under the Anointing of the Holy Ghost

This course is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the anointing of the Holy Ghost and its significance in Christian leadership. Drawing from biblical teachings and apostolic tradition, this course aims to empower future leaders to minister effectively under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. Textbook: “The Anointing: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow” by R. T. Kendell. (3 credit hours)

AEE 104 Evangelist and Evangelism: A Biblical Apostolic Perspective

This course explores the biblical and apostolic foundations of evangelism and the role of the evangelist in spreading the Gospel message. Students will gain a deep understanding of evangelism as a divine calling and the importance of effective evangelistic practices. Textbook: “The Complete Evangelism Guidebook: Expert Advice on Reaching Others for Christ by Scott Dawson (3 credit hours)

AFE 106 The Power of Faith in Evangelism

This course delves into the profound connection between faith and evangelism from a biblical apostolic perspective. It examines the significance of faith in driving successful evangelistic endeavors. Understanding how faith fuels evangelistic endeavors is essential for every Christian called to share the Gospel message effectively. Through this course, students will explore the pivotal role of faith in evangelism and learn how to harness its power in their own ministry efforts. Textbook: “Evangelism: How To Share the Gospel Faithfully.” by John Stott. (3 credit hours)

AEP 107 The Power of Effective Prayer

This course explores the profound impact of prayer in the context of apologetics and evangelism from a biblical apostolic perspective. Understanding the role of prayer in these vital aspects of the Christian faith is essential for every believer seeking to effectively engage with others and share the Gospel message. Through this course, students will learn how to harness the power of prayer to strengthen their apologetic arguments, enhance their evangelistic efforts, and deepen their personal relationship with God. Textbook: The power of Effective Prayer by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

CHWE 179 How to Witness Effectively

This course is designed for the Certificate in Evangelism program. Evangelism is the heartbeat of the Great Commission, and effective witnessing is essential for sharing the gospel message with clarity and compassion. This course will provide you with biblical foundations, practical strategies, and personal insights to help you witness effectively in various contexts. Required Textbook: Evangelism Explosion, Fourth Edition by Dr. D. James Kennedy Publisher: Tyndale House, 1996 (3 credit hours)

AAO 112 The Various Arms of Outreach

This course delves into the different methods and strategies of outreach from a biblical apostolic perspective. Understanding the diverse ways in which outreach can be conducted is crucial for effective evangelism and apologetics. Through this course, students will explore a range of outreach approaches, learn how to tailor outreach efforts to different audiences, and develop a holistic understanding of spreading the Gospel message in various contexts. Textbook: “The Complete Book of Evangelism: A Comprehensive Guide To Sharing Your Faith” by Bill Bright. (3 credit hours)

ASW 115 Healing, Miracles, Signs, and Wonders

This course explores the biblical apostolic perspective on divine healing, miracles, signs, and wonders in the context of evangelism and apologetics. Understanding the role of supernatural manifestations in the spread of the Gospel message is essential for every believer seeking to engage in effective ministry. Through this course, students will delve into the profound significance of healing, miracles, signs, and wonders in demonstrating God’s power and love to a watching world. Textbook: Healing From above by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

ASW 124 Spiritual Warfare I

Spiritual Warfare I is an essential course in the Apologetics and Evangelism bachelor’s degree program. This course is designed to equip students with the biblical understanding and practical skills necessary to engage in spiritual warfare. We will explore foundational principles from a biblical apostolic perspective, addressing the nature of spiritual battles, strategies for victory, and the role of the believer in overcoming spiritual opposition. Primary Textbook: “Victory in Spiritual Warfare: Outfitting Yourself for the Battle” by Tony Evans: Supplementary Readings: “The Bondage Breaker” by Neil T. Anderson. “The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer. The Holy Bible (NIV, ESV, or KJV). (3 credit hours)

CEY 190 Evangelizing Youths From A Biblical Perspective

The youth represent the future of the church and society. Evangelizing youths requires a unique approach that resonates with their experiences, challenges, and perspectives. This course aims to provide you with insights from the biblical tradition to effectively reach out to young people with the gospel. You will explore scriptural foundations, study the examples of the apostles, and develop practical strategies for engaging youths in your community. Textbook: “Youth Ministry in the 21st Century: Five Views” edited by Chap Clark (3 credit hour)

Certificate in Christian Leadership

Credit Hours: 36

Duration 12 Weeks

Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Equivalent

The certificate provides advanced training in leadership for current and future pastors, ministry leaders in churches, managers in Christian organizations, business-as-mission entrepreneurs, missionaries, teachers, administrators, and evangelists.

This program welcomes students with secular or Bible college degrees, with or without ministry experience, who are interested in leadership and desire to sharpen their skills, be challenged and make a significant impact for Christ and His kingdom around the world. Students are equipped to plan, organize, lead, resolve conflicts, assess, manage change and direct a variety of church and parachurch ministries in a local or global setting.

Courses You’ll Need To Complete to Earn This Certificate

CCL 107 Develop Biblical Understanding for Christian Leadership

This course is designed to equip participants with a strong understanding of biblical teachings and Apostolic doctrine. By delving into the Scriptures and Apostolic teachings, participants will gain the knowledge and insight necessary to apply scriptural truths to contemporary leadership challenges. Through this course, participants will develop a solid foundation in biblical principles that will guide and inform their leadership practices in various contexts. (3 credit hours)

CEL 103 Enhance Leadership Skills in a Christian Context

This course aims to enhance leadership skills within a Christian framework, focusing on key aspects such as communication, vision casting, team building, and conflict resolution. Participants will learn how to apply these essential leadership skills in a manner that aligns with biblical and Apostolic teachings. Through practical guidance and biblical wisdom, participants will be equipped to lead effectively in various contexts while upholding Christian values and principles. (3 credit hours)

CCSG 120 Cultivate Spiritual Growth in Christian Leadership

This course is designed to cultivate personal spiritual growth and maturity in Christ among Christian leaders. Participants will be encouraged to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, worship, and ethical living. By fostering a lifestyle of spiritual discipline and alignment with biblical principles, participants will be better equipped to lead with integrity, wisdom, and humility in their leadership roles. (3 credit hours)

CPE 130 Promote Effective Ministry: Servant Leadership and Pastoral Care

This course is designed to prepare participants for effective ministry within their local church and community, emphasizing servant leadership and pastoral care. Participants will learn how to lead with humility, compassion, and a servant’s heart, reflecting the example of Jesus Christ. Through an exploration of biblical principles and practical skills, participants will be equipped to serve and care for others in a manner that aligns with biblical apostolic teachings. (3 credit hours)

CHSC 450 Health and Self-care Course for Leaders and Ministries

This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually as a leader in your ministry. As leaders, it is essential to prioritize self-care in order to effectively serve others and fulfill your calling. Through this course, we will explore biblical principles and practical strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle while leading others. Textbook: “Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion” by Wayne Cordeiro. (3 credit hours)

CECE 140 Encourage Community Engagement: Impacting Communities with Christ’s Love

This course aims to empower Christian leaders to engage with and positively impact their communities by embodying the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. Participants will explore the importance of community engagement from a biblical apostolic perspective and learn practical strategies for making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Through this course, participants will be inspired to serve their communities with compassion, humility, and a heart for transformation. (3 credit hours)

CBS 150 Building a Supportive Network: Cultivating Community Among Christian Leaders

This course focuses on building a supportive network of like-minded Christian leaders who can encourage and assist one another in their ministry and leadership journeys. Participants will explore the importance of community, collaboration, and mutual support in Christian leadership. Through biblical teachings and practical strategies, participants will learn how to create a nurturing and empowering network that fosters growth, accountability, and unity among leaders. (3 credit hours)

ALM 100 Leadership in Ministry 1

“This course aims to equip emerging leaders with a biblical and apostolic perspective on leadership within ministry. Through scriptural insights, practical examples, and interactive discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of servant leadership, spiritual authority, and effective ministry practices. (3 credit hours)

ALM 105 Leadership in Ministry 2

This course focuses on deepening the understanding of biblical leadership, addressing contemporary challenges in ministry, and enhancing strategic planning and mentoring skills. Participants will be encouraged to integrate apostolic insights with practical leadership strategies to effectively guide their ministries. (3 credit hours)

BPA 450 Ethics and Excellence in Christian Leadership

This is an essential course within the Christian Leadership Certificate Program, designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of ethical principles and the pursuit of excellence in ministry. This course explores biblical foundations of ethics, the importance of integrity, and practical ways to maintain high standards of excellence in leadership. Through scriptural insights, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants will learn to navigate ethical dilemmas and strive for excellence in their ministry roles. (3 credit hours)

BPA 460 Workings of the Five-Fold Ministry

This course provides participants with an understanding of the roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, and how these roles contribute to the growth and edification of the Church. Through scriptural study, case discussions, and interactive activities, participants will gain insights into how to recognize, develop, and operate within these ministry gifts. Textbook: God’s Gifting To The Church By Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

GBPA 520 Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

This course will provide participants with a clear understanding of different leadership roles, the responsibilities each role entails, and practical guidance for fulfilling these roles effectively. Through scriptural examination, case studies, and interactive activities, participants will be equipped to lead with integrity, wisdom, and faithfulness. (3 credit hours)

Certificate in Worship Leader Ministry

Our “Certificate in Worship Leader Ministry” is rooted in the Apostolic tradition, emphasizing a deep, biblical understanding of worship. This program delves into the prerequisites of worship, exploring how to prepare hearts and minds for a genuine encounter with the Divine. It examines the progression of worship, guiding leaders through the transformative journey that brings the congregation closer to God’s heart. Central to our teaching is the presence of God in worship. We focus on cultivating a spiritual atmosphere where God’s presence is tangible and transformative. Additionally, the course explores the power of spiritual and prophetic songs, using biblical principles to inspire worship that resonates with heaven.

Credit Hours: 36

Certificate Duration 12 weeks

Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Equivalent

Courses You’ll Complete to Earn Your Certificate

RS 454 – Theology of Music: A Biblical Perspective

This one-day course is tailored for worship ministry leaders who seek to deepen their theological understanding of music in the context of worship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Participants will explore the significance of music in the life of the Church, the role of music in worship, and how to use music effectively to glorify God and edify the congregation. Textbook: “The Ministry of Music: A Complete Handbook for the Music Leader in The Local Church” by Kenneth W. Osbeck (3 credit hours)

RS 452 – Quest for God: Exploring Worship

This intensive one-day course is designed for worship ministry leaders who seek to deepen their understanding of worship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Participants will engage in a journey of exploration and discovery as they delve into the essence of true worship and the quest for encountering God through various forms of worship. Textbook: “Worship Quest: An Exploration of Worship Leadership by Steven D. Brooks.” (3 credit hours)

RS 451 Worship Leading: Principles and Practices

This intensive one-day course is designed for worship ministry leaders who desire to grow in their understanding of leading worship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Participants will delve into the foundational principles and practical aspects of worship leading, focusing on how to create a worship environment that honors God and engages the congregation in authentic worship. Textbook: “The Ministry of Music: A Complete Handbook for the Music Leader in The Local Church” by Kenneth W. Osbeck (3 credit hours)

CCM 190 The Chief Musician and the Orchestral in the Local Church: Entering into God’s Presence

Music has always played a significant role in worship and spiritual expression within the Christian church. This course will delve into the importance of music ministry, the role of the chief musician, and the orchestral in facilitating a worshipful atmosphere that allows believers to enter into God’s presence. Textbook: “Worship Matters: Leading Others to Encounter the Greatness of God” by Bob Kauflin. (3 credit hours)

RS 459 The Processional: Entering the Gate to Entering into His Presence in the Holy of Holiest 

This course will delve into the significance and spiritual symbolism of the processional in worship, from entering the gate to approaching the Holy of Holies. Through a biblical apostolic perspective, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the journey of worship and how it reflects our approach to God’s presence. (3 credit hours)

RS 456 – Spiritual Songs in Worship: A Biblical Perspective

This one-day course is tailored for worship ministry leaders who desire to explore the significance of spiritual songs in worship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Participants will delve into the biblical foundations of spiritual songs, their role in worship, and practical strategies for incorporating them effectively into worship services to edify the body of Christ. (3 credit hours)

RS 453 – Understanding the Prophetic Song: A Biblical Perspective

This one-day course is designed for worship ministry leaders who desire to deepen their understanding of the prophetic dimension of music and song in worship from a biblical perspective. Participants will explore the significance of prophetic song in the life of the Church, the role of the prophetic in worship, and how to cultivate and express prophetic worship through music. Textbook: “The Prophetic Song” by LaMar Boschman. (3 credit hours)

RS 455 – Entering Into God’s Presence in Worship

This one-day course is designed for worship ministry leaders who seek to deepen their understanding of how to facilitate encounters with God’s presence through worship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Participants will explore the significance of entering into God’s presence in worship, the biblical foundations of worship as a means of drawing near to God, and practical strategies for creating an atmosphere conducive to encountering the divine. Textbook: “Entering the Presence of God: Moving Beyond Praise and Thanksgiving to True Worship” by Derek Prince. (3 credit hours)

RS 500 Worshiping in the Spirit and In Truth

This course will explore the biblical mandate to worship in spirit and in truth as essential components of authentic worship. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to worship in spirit and truth, and how to lead others in worship that honors God in both form and spirit. (3 credit hours)

RS 501 The Prophetic Word in Worship

Course Description:

This course will explore the role of the prophetic word in worship from a biblical apostolic perspective. Participants will learn how to discern, receive, and release the prophetic word in the context of corporate worship, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak and move through them as they lead others into a deeper encounter with God. (3 credit hours)

CPP 110 Preparing for Worship: The Pastor’s Role

The role of the pastor in preparing for worship is crucial in setting the tone and atmosphere for meaningful and transformative worship experiences. This course will delve into the biblical foundations and practical aspects of the pastor’s role in leading and preparing for worship, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill this essential ministry function. Textbook: “Christ-Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice” by Bryan Chapell. (3 credit hours)

CPP 111 Preparing for Worship: The Congregation’s Role

The role of the congregation in preparing for worship is crucial in setting the tone and atmosphere for meaningful and transformative worship experiences. This course will delve into the biblical foundations and practical aspects of the Congregation’s role in leading and preparing for worship, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill this essential ministry function. Textbook: “Worship Matters: A Study for Congregations” by Jane Rogers Vann. (3 Credit Hours)

Certificate In Ministry Preparation

The Ministry Preparation Program exists to prepare men and women for ministry in the local church through a series of courses that earn three semester hours of credit each. Each individual accepted into the ICCLI Ministry Preparation Program will be enrolled as a student under the normal application qualifications and procedures. A Certificate of Completion will be given to those who successfully complete all 12 courses.

Credit hour: 36

Certificate Duration 12 weeks
Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Equivalent or accredited credits

Courses To Complete To Earn Certificate

BOT 111 Old Testament Survey

This is a foundational course within the Ministry preparation certificate Program, designed to provide participants with an overview of the Old Testament from a biblical perspective. This course will cover the major themes, key events, and significant figures of the Old Testament, highlighting their relevance to Christian leadership and ministry. Through scriptural study, thematic exploration, and interactive discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the Old Testament’s role in the overarching narrative of the Bible and its application to their leadership roles. (3 credit hours)

BNT 100 New Testament Survey

This is an introductory course within the Ministry Preparation Certificate Program, designed to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the New Testament from a biblical and apostolic perspective. This course will cover the major themes, key events, and significant figures of the New Testament, with a focus on their relevance to Christian ministry. Through scriptural study, thematic exploration, and interactive discussions, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the New Testament’s message and its application to contemporary ministry contexts. (3 credit hours)

BTH 106 Bible Doctrines

This course delves into the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith from a Biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore key theological concepts found in the Bible, gaining a deeper understanding of the foundational beliefs that shape Christian theology and practice. (3 credit hours)

BPA 240 Preparation for Ministry I

This course is designed to prepare students for effective ministry from a Biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore key aspects of ministry preparation, including personal spiritual development, servant leadership, and foundational ministry skills. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to engage in ministry roles within the church and community. (3 credit hours)

BPA 475 Understanding Prayer

Course Description:

This course delves into the profound practice of prayer from a Biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the importance, power, and various forms of prayer as taught in the Bible. The course aims to deepen students’ understanding of prayer as a vital aspect of Christian ministry and personal spiritual growth. Textbook: The Power Of Effective Prayer by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

BPA 442 Preaching 101

This course provides an introduction to the art and practice of preaching from a Biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore the foundational principles of preaching, study the examples of preaching in the Bible, and develop essential skills for effective communication of God’s Word. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and confidence to preach with clarity, passion, and relevance. (3 credit )

BPA 360 Ethics and Excellence

This course focuses on the importance of ethical conduct and excellence in Christian ministry from a Biblical apostolic perspective. Students will explore foundational ethical principles, examine case studies, and discuss practical strategies for upholding integrity, accountability, and excellence in ministry. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate ethical challenges and strive for excellence in all aspects of ministry. Textbook: A God To Glorify by Michael Mangum. (3 credit hours)

BGV 101 Discerning the Voice of God: Principles and Practices

This course explores the biblical principles and practices that enable believers to hear, discern, and distinguish the voice of God amidst the noise of life. Students will delve into the importance of prayer, reading, studying, and meditating on the word of God as essential components for recognizing and understanding the voice of God. Additionally, the course will cover various ways in which God communicates with His people. Textbook: Hearing the Voice of God by Derek Prince. (3 credit hours)

CHSC 450 Health and Self-care Course for Leaders and Ministries

This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually as a leader in your ministry. As leaders, it is essential to prioritize self-care in order to effectively serve others and fulfill your calling. Through this course, we will explore biblical principles and practical strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle while leading others. Textbook: “Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion” by Wayne Cordeiro. (3 credit hours)

BTH 460 Biblical Hermeneutics: Understanding The Scriptures

This course is designed to equip students with the foundational principles and methods of interpreting and understanding the Holy Scriptures through an apostolic lens. Participants will engage in studying various aspects of biblical hermeneutics in order to effectively prepare for ministry and deepen their understanding of the Word of God. (3 credit hours)

CMH 150 Ministries of Helps: From the Ushers to the Altar Workers in the Christian Church

The ministries of helps play a crucial role in the functioning and effectiveness of a Christian church. From ushers who welcome congregants to altar workers who pray for the needs of others, these roles are vital in creating a welcoming and spiritually nourishing environment. This course aims to explore the various ministries of helps within the church and equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to serve effectively in these capacities. Textbook: “The Ministry of Helps Handbook, Revised and Updated: How to be Totally Effective Serving in the Local Church” by Buddy Bell. 3 credit hours)

CFP 130 Foundational Principles of the Christian Faith found in the Book of Hebrews

This course will delve into the profound teachings of the Book of Hebrews, exploring key foundational principles of the Christian faith as presented in this insightful biblical text. By studying the truths revealed in Hebrews, students will gain a deeper understanding of their faith and be better equipped for ministry service. Textbook: “The Letter to the Hebrews (The Pillar New Testament Commentary)” by Peter T. O’Brien. (3 credit hours)

Pastoral Care & Counseling Certificate

The Pastoral Care & Counseling Certificate Program is a biblical approach to caring for people in the community, local church or ministry context. This Program equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide effective pastoral care and counseling in a variety of settings. In addition, you will learn when to refer people in your care to professional counselors or more experienced pastors.

Credit Hours: 36

Certificate: Duration

Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Equivalent

Program Courses Needed To Obtain Certificate 

CCS 340 Pastoral Care & Counseling

The objective in this is to equip students with an understanding of pastoral care principles and practices. Students will learn about the role of a pastor in providing emotional and spiritual support to individuals and communities in need. By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of key pastoral care concepts and apply them in practical counseling scenarios. Textbook: “The Practice of Pastoral Care: A Postmodern Approach” by Carrie Doehring. Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press. ISBN-13: 978-0664233090. (3 credit hours)

CHSC 450 Health and Self-care Course for Leaders and Ministries

This course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually as a leader in your ministry. As leaders, it is essential to prioritize self-care in order to effectively serve others and fulfill your calling. Through this course, we will explore biblical principles and practical strategies for maintaining a healthy lifestyle while leading others. Textbook: “Leading on Empty: Refilling Your Tank and Renewing Your Passion” by Wayne Cordeiro. (3 credit hours)

GCCS 610 Crisis Counseling I

This course aims is to provide students with a solid understanding of the foundational principles of crisis counseling. The course focuses on crisis intervention strategies, assessment techniques, and ethical considerations in crisis situations. By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate competence in applying crisis counseling techniques and principles in real-world scenarios. Textbook: “Crisis Counseling: A Guide for Pastors and Professionals” by Scott Floyd. Publisher: Kregel Publications. ISBN-13: 978-0825438343. (3 credit hours)

GCCS 620 Crisis Counseling II

This course aims is to build upon the foundational knowledge acquired in Crisis Counseling I by exploring advanced crisis counseling techniques, trauma response strategies, and specialized interventions for specific populations. The course is designed to equip students with the necessary skills to effectively address complex crisis situations and provide specialized care to diverse populations in need. Textbook: “Advanced Techniques for Counseling and Psychotherapy” Christiane Brems. Publisher: Pearson. ISBN-13: 978-0133488909. (3 credit hours)

CFC 405 – Family Counseling in a Pastoral Context

This course is designed to explore the dynamics of family systems and equip students with the skills necessary to offer effective counseling and support to families facing various challenges. The course aims to deepen students’ understanding of family dynamics, communication patterns, and relational issues within a pastoral framework. Textbook: “The Family Crucible: The Intense Experience of Family Therapy” by Augustus Y. Napier and Carl A. Whitaker. Publisher: Harper & Row. ISBN-13: 978-0060914899. 3 credit hours)

CGC 420 – Grief Counseling and Bereavement Support

This course focuses on educating students about the process of grief and bereavement. The course aims to equip students with strategies for providing compassionate support to individuals and families experiencing loss. Students will learn to understand the complexities of the grieving process and develop skills to effectively support those in mourning. Textbook: “Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy: A Handbook for the Mental Health Practitioner” by J. William Worden. Publisher: Springer Publishing Company. ISBN-13: 978-0826134747. (3 credit hours)

CEI 430 – Ethical Issues in Pastoral Care & Counseling

This course is designed to explore the ethical dilemmas that may arise in pastoral care and counseling practice. The course aims to emphasize the importance of ethical decision-making, professional boundaries, and ethical considerations in providing pastoral care. Students will develop a deep understanding of ethical principles and learn how to navigate complex ethical situations with integrity. Textbook: “Ethics in Pastoral Counseling” by Elizabeth W. Corrie. Publisher: Abingdon Press. ISBN-13: 978-1501802477. (3 credit hours)

CSFD 440 – Spiritual Formation and Discipleship

This course is designed to focus on the spiritual development of individuals within a pastoral context. The course aims to explore strategies for fostering spiritual growth, discipleship, and mentorship. Students will learn how to facilitate spiritual formation and guide individuals on their journey of deepening their faith and relationship with God. Textbook: “Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit” by Henri Nouwen. Publisher: HarperOne. ISBN-13: 978-0061686122. (3 credit hours)

CACS 450 – Addiction Counseling and Recovery Support

This 2-hour course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles of addiction counseling, focusing on assessment, intervention, and support strategies for individuals and families affected by addiction. In this course, students will explore various aspects of addiction counseling to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively support individuals struggling with addiction. Textbook: “Substance Abuse Counseling: Theory and Practice” by Patricia Stevens. Publisher: Pearson. (3 credit hours)

CMCR 460 – Marriage Counseling and Relationship Enrichment

This is a 2-hour course designed to provide students with a deep understanding of effective approaches to marriage counseling and relationship enrichment. In this course, students will explore communication techniques, conflict resolution strategies, and tools for enhancing relationships to equip them with the skills necessary to support couples in building healthy and enduring relationships. Textbook: “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work” by John Gottman and Nan Silver. Publisher: Harmony. (3 credit hours)

CTCH 470 – Trauma-Informed Care and Healing Ministries

This 2-hour course delves into trauma-informed care practices and healing ministries, focusing on the importance of compassion, understanding, and empowerment in supporting individuals who have experienced trauma. This course will explore strategies for creating safe spaces, promoting healing, and providing support to individuals in need. Textbook: “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma” by Bessel van der Kolk. Publisher: Penguin Books. (3 credit hours)

CCDC 480 – Cultural Competence and Diversity in Counseling

This is a 2-hour course that explores the impact of culture, diversity, and social justice issues on pastoral care and counseling. Emphasizing the significance of cultural competence and humility in practice, this course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively work with diverse populations and address the unique needs of individuals from various cultural backgrounds. Textbook: “Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice” by Derald Wing Sue and David Sue. Publisher: Wiley. (3 credit hours)

Certificate in Biblical Preaching

The Certificate in Biblical Preaching provides exposure to the Homiletical process of developing biblical messages. It is designed for individuals who desire to develop their preaching skills for service in church settings. This condensed program is designed to provide essential theological, preaching, and ministry skills within a 12-week timeframe. Students will gain a solid foundation in biblical interpretation, preaching, faith-building, healing ministry, miracles, signs, and wonders, as well as practical knowledge in evangelism, spiritual warfare, character development, and church leadership.

Credit Hours: 36

Certificate Duration

Prerequisites: High School Diploma or Equivalent

Courses To Complete to Earn Certificate

BTH 460 Biblical Hermeneutics: Understanding Scripture Apostolically

This course is designed to equip students with the foundational principles and methods of interpreting and understanding the Holy Scriptures through an apostolic lens. Participants will engage in studying various aspects of biblical hermeneutics in order to effectively prepare for ministry and deepen their understanding of the Word of God. (3 credit hours)

AHP 201 Homiletics and Preaching

This course aims to equip students with the theological understanding, practical skills, and spiritual sensitivity required to deliver effective and impactful sermons. Through the study of biblical principles, rhetorical techniques, and practical exercises, students will learn to communicate the Word of God with clarity, conviction, and compassion. Primary Textbook: “Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages” by Haddon W. Robinson. Supplementary Textbooks: “Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism” by Timothy Keller. “The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching” edited by Haddon W. Robinson and Craig Brian Larson. (3 credit hours)

BGV 101 Discerning the Voice of God: Principles and Practices.

This course explores the biblical principles and practices that enable believers to hear, discern, and distinguish the voice of God amidst the noise of life. Students will delve into the importance of prayer, reading, studying, and meditating on the word of God as essential components for recognizing and understanding the voice of God. Additionally, the course will cover various ways in which God communicates with His people. (3 credit hours)

BPA442 – Preaching 101

Biblical preaching is a vital aspect of ministry that involves effectively communicating God’s Word to inspire, challenge, and transform lives. This course, serves as an introduction to the basics of preaching, focusing on sermon preparation and delivery techniques essential for effective communication of the Gospel message. Textbook: “Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages” by Haddon W. Robinson. (3 credit hours)

BPA444 – Expository Preaching

In this course, you will learn the art and skill of preaching verse by verse through a passage of Scripture, with a focus on understanding its meaning and practical application. Expository preaching is a vital aspect of effective communication of God’s Word, enabling preachers to faithfully expound the Scriptures and empower their listeners for spiritual growth. Textbook: “Christ-Centered Preaching: Redeeming the Expository Sermon” by Bryan Chapell. (3 credit hours)

BPA 380 – Building Faith in Believers

This course is designed to explore the significance of faith-building in the Christian life and ministry. Understanding how to nurture and strengthen the faith of believers is essential for effective leadership and spiritual growth in the Church. Textbook: “The Pursuit of God” by A.W. Tozer. (3 credit hours)

BPA382 – Healing Ministry

This course is designed to explore the biblical foundation for healing, the practice of praying for the sick, and the role of miracles in Christian ministry. Understanding the principles of healing ministry is vital for equipping believers to minister to those in need of physical, emotional, and spiritual restoration. Textbook: “Healing: Sign of God’s Love” by F.F. Bosworth. (3 credit hours)

BPA 385 – Miracles, Signs, and Wonders

This course delves into the study of the significance and role of miracles, signs, and wonders in the ministry of Jesus and the early church. Understanding the power of God manifesting through miraculous works is essential for deepening one’s faith and ministry effectiveness. Textbook: “Miracles” by C.S. Lewis. ( 3 credit hours)

BPA 390 – Power of the Holy Spirit

This course focuses on exploring the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers for ministry and effective witnessing. Understanding the work of the Holy Spirit is essential for living out the Christian faith authentically and impacting the world with the Gospel. Textbook: “Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit” by Francis Chan. (3 credit hours)

AEOD 101 Evangelism and Outreach: Making Disciples for the Kingdom of God

This course aims to equip students with the biblical and practical knowledge necessary for effective evangelism and outreach within their communities. The course will explore the theological foundations of evangelism, the biblical mandate for outreach, and practical strategies for making disciples. Students will learn how to communicate the gospel effectively and disciple new believers in their faith journey, all within the framework of a biblical apostolic perspective. Textbook: “Evangelism: How the Whole Church Speaks of Jesus” by J. Mack Stiles. “The Master Plan of Evangelism” by Robert E. Coleman. (3 hours)

ASW 124 Spiritual Warfare I

This course is designed to equip students with the biblical understanding and practical skills necessary to engage in spiritual warfare. We will explore foundational principles from a biblical apostolic perspective, addressing the nature of spiritual battles, strategies for victory, and the role of the believer in overcoming spiritual opposition. Primary Textbook: “Victory in Spiritual Warfare: Outfitting Yourself for the Battle” by Tony Evans. Supplementary Readings: “The Bondage Breaker” by Neil T. Anderson. “The Armor of God” by Priscilla Shirer. (3 credit hours).

BPA 410 – Church Leadership and Administration

This course is designed to explore the principles of effective church leadership and administration from a biblical perspective. In this session, we will delve into the key aspects of leading and managing a church with wisdom and integrity. Textbook: “Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership” by Alexander Strauch. (3 credit hours)

Required Reading Component: The student must submit a book report on the book The Message and The Messenger “A Guide To Basic Sermon Preparation and Ministry Protocol” by Dr. Tony V. Lewis.

Certificate in Theology

The Certificate in Theology program aims to provide a comprehensive overview of key theological concepts and principles from a Biblical perspective. Students will engage with foundational texts, doctrines, and theological frameworks essential for a deeper understanding of the Bible and Christian faith.

Credit: 36 Credit hours

Duration: 12 weeks

Course Requirements:

CED 140: A Survey of the Bible

In this course, we will embark on an introductory study of the entire Bible, exploring key themes, events, and characters that shape the narrative of God’s word. By the end of this course, you will have gained a broad understanding of the structure and content of the Bible. Textbook: “How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth” by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart.

BTH 106 Bible Doctrines

This course delves into the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith from a Biblical perspective. Students will explore key theological concepts found in the Bible, gaining a deeper understanding of the foundational beliefs that shape Christian theology and practice. Topics include the Trinity, salvation, the church, and eschatology.

ACH 210 Church History 1

This course provides an in-depth study of the history of the Christian church from its inception to the present day. Students will explore key events, figures, theological developments, and movements that have shaped the church’s identity and mission, with a focus on understanding the apostolic roots of the Church. Textbook: “Church History in Plain Language” by Bruce L. Shelley. Publisher: Thomas Nelson. ISBN: 978-1401676315. (3 credit hours)

AST 120 Systematic Theology I

This course is a foundational course that explores the core doctrines of the Christian faith from an Apostolic perspective. This course will delve into the systematic study of God, the Bible, salvation, the church, and other essential theological topics. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the beliefs that underpin Christian leadership and ministry, equipping them to articulate and defend their faith effectively. Textbook: “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem. Publisher: Zondervan. ISBN: 978-0310286707.

BTH 252: Introduction to Bible Theology II

This course serves as a continuation of AST120 Systematic Theology I, exploring deeper into fundamental theological concepts found in the Bible. Throughout this course, we will delve into topics such as the person and work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the end times. By studying these essential aspects of Christian theology, we aim to deepen our understanding of the core beliefs of the Christian faith. Textbook: “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem.

BTH 345: Apostolic Perspectives in Theology

This course delves into key theological themes and doctrines from an apostolic perspective, emphasizing the distinctive beliefs and practices of apostolic Christianity. Through this exploration, students will gain insights into how apostolic theology shapes individual faith and community life. Textbook: “Apostolic Theology: A Trinitarian, Evangelical, and Sacramental Perspective” by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Daniel J. Treier.

BTH 460 Biblical Hermeneutics: Understanding Scripture

This course is designed to equip students with the foundational principles and methods of interpreting and understanding the Holy Scriptures through an apostolic lens. Participants will engage in studying various aspects of biblical hermeneutics in order to effectively prepare for ministry and deepen their understanding of the Word of God.

BTH320: The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ

In this course, we will embark on a comprehensive study of the life, ministry, teachings, and significance of Jesus Christ as presented in the Gospels. Through this exploration, we aim to deepen our understanding of the central figure of the Christian faith. Textbook: “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel.

BTH 430: Christian Ethics and Moral Theology

This course delves into the exploration of ethical principles and moral decision-making through the lens of Christian beliefs and teachings. Throughout this course, we will examine how these principles shape our actions and guide us in making morally sound decisions. Textbook: “The Moral Vision of the New Testament: Community, Cross, New Creation” by Richard B. Hays.

BADF 210 Apologetics: Defending the Faith Biblically

In this course we will delve into the art of defending the Christian faith with wisdom, humility, and biblical truth. In a world filled with questions, doubts, and opposing worldviews, it is essential for believers to be equipped to give a reason for the hope that they have, with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15). Textbook: “On Guard: Defending Your Faith with Reason and Precision” by William Lane Craig. (2 credit hour)

BTH490: Contemporary Issues in Theology

This course aims to explore the current theological debates and challenges that are shaping the landscape of the church in the modern world. We will delve into diverse perspectives, engage in critical discussions, and seek to deepen our understanding of how theology interacts with contemporary issues. Textbook: “Theology for the Community of God” by Stanley J. Grenz.

BGV 101 Discerning the Voice of God: Principles and Practices

This course explores the biblical principles and practices that enable believers to hear, discern, and distinguish the voice of God amidst the noise of life. Students will delve into the importance of prayer, reading, studying, and meditating on the word of God as essential components for recognizing and understanding the voice of God. Additionally, the course will cover various ways in which God communicates with His people. Textbook: “Hearing God’s Voice” by Derek Prince. (3 credit hours)