Letter from the Chancellor

Dear Students, 

At Impact Christian College and Leadership  Institute, we are committed to fostering a supportive environment where every student can flourish. The theoretical content of the degree courses offered by ICCLI thoroughly encompasses all essential biblical doctrines and principles. This curriculum is designed to challenge and inspire students to uphold the highest spiritual standards in both their personal lives and their ministry, all the while remaining faithful to the teachings of the Word of God.

As we stand at the threshold of an academic year, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the journey that lies ahead for each of you at ICCLI. This is a moment of new ventures and opportunities, and I am truly looking forward to witnessing the incredible things that God has in store for our institution and for all of you who have chosen to pursue your educational endeavors here.

Each of you brings unique strengths, talents, and perspectives that contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our community. As you embark on this journey, remember that you are not alone; you are part of a supportive family that is committed to your growth and success. Together, we will navigate the challenges and celebrate the triumphs that come with pursuing knowledge and personal development.

Let us embrace this new beginning with open hearts and minds, ready to explore, learn, and grow. I encourage you to take full advantage of the resources and opportunities available to you. Engage with your peers, seek guidance from your professors and mentors, take advantage of the resources available to you, and be bold in your pursuits. Trust that your hard work and dedication will yield fruitful outcomes. Collaboration and support are key to your success.

As we move forward, let us keep our faith strong and remain hopeful for what is to come. I am excited to see how each of you will contribute to our community and how God will guide us on this journey together.  Your voices matter, and I am eager to hear your thoughts and ideas on how we can continue to improve our community.

I am trusting God that you have a blessed and successful year ahead.

All in the glory of God,

Linda Mangum
